Chapter 31

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Maya's POV

When I came to, it was 12am and I was alone in the room. I hadn't even seen of held my babies. My hands had been shaking, so I wasn't even allowed to think I could hold them at that point, and somewhere along the line, I vomited and not so long after, I fell asleep.

Just when I picked up my phone which Keith left on the table beside the bed, the door opened and I looked up and saw my dad.

"Congratulations sweetheart." he said immediately as he smiled at me. He dropped the basket he had in his hand on the floor and kissed my cheek.

"You did good Maya. I just saw them, they're the tiniest things, tinier than you were and you were tiny."

"I haven't seen them. I wasn't able to hold them because of the shaking they said was a side effect of the anaesthetic and then I fell asleep. I just work up. Have you seen Keith?"

"He's still there looking at them. He's been there for a long while."

I pressed the call button and soon, a nurse came in. And it was Jason. The look of surprise on my face was priceless and he even laughed at that.

"You're finally awake. Congratulations Maya. I saw your babies and they're the cutest things."

"Thank you." I said when I felt myself dozing off again. I frowned, that wasn't normal.

"Just close your eyes and sleep Maya. It's the effect of the drugs."

"I haven't seen them, and where is Keith?"

I don't remember the reply he gave to me as I actually dozed off not long after. When I woke up hours later, Keith was on a call.

"Leo just tell my mother I'll speak to her when I'm ready to. Calling me with a different number or going through you isn't going to work this time around." I cleared my throat and he looked at me. "I'll talk to you later. Maya just woke up.....Fine. I'll ask her if she can talk to you....Are you up to speaking to anyone? If yes Leo wants to talk to you. He was here earlier but you were asleep, so he left because he had an appointment." I nodded to his question and reached out for the phone. I really did like Leo and would still talk to him even if I was dying.

"Hey Leo." I said softly.

"Congratulations Maya. You did real good. They're the tiniest cutest things I've ever seen in my life."

"Thanks Leo. And y'all should stop calling my babies tiny because they'll grow bigger than all of you."I replied with a small laugh.

"I'm sorry. They're just so adorable I can't help myself. Keith didn't let anyone touch them because you haven't touched them and because it's not healthy. I did see their faces though."

"Whoa. That's unexpected and mighty sweet of him. Well once were out of here, you can touch them all you want and can...when you're allowed to though."

"Sure thing doll. Well I have to run. Take care" and at that, he disconnected and I returned the phone to its owner who leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"Hi." I said while reaching up to properly fold his collar.

"Hey. Thank you for Lucas and Logan Maya. After you, they're the best things that ever happened to me. They're the best Christmas gifts ever." he said as he moved to other side of the bed where they were in their beds. Apparently they had been in the nursery for the first few hours before being brought to the room when I was asleep.

"It's still November silly." I replied with a smile. I looked at them and teared up. I baked these perfect buns I thought.

"Do you want to hold them now?" he asked and I looked at my still shaking hands and shook my head.

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