Chapter 8

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When I walked into the house two days later looking as frustrated as I felt that I had, for the first time in my life, gotten a lower than average score in a test, I saw my dearest mother-in-law who for the record didn't like me. My level of frustration automatically hit the roof.

I was totally not in the mood for a snobby snippy mother in-law who rivaled her son in the act of snobbery.
At 50, Mrs Amanda James was still beautiful, which wasn't strange because the fruit never falls far from the tree. Beautiful woman + A husband I have never met who is probably beautiful = the sex god I called my husband.

Slim, tall, blond with flawless make-up, it was understandable why she looked at me with distaste each time she saw me. I was everything she wasn't and I was definitely not good enough for her golden child. She only put up with the arranged marriage thing because it had to do with business.

"Good evening Ma." I said with a tired polite smile on my face.

"Hmm. Danica." She replied with a stiff nod before turning to continue speaking to Keith. I heard words like stock and profit and loss and stuff like that fall off their mouths as they talked about whatever business gibberish they were talking about.

I just went to the kitchen to get something cold to drink and when I opened the fridge, I smiled as I looked at the sexy looking bottle of Coca-Cola in the fridge. It wasn't mine but I vowed to replace it before Keith found out I took his Cola. Keith was nicer to me but I didn't want to imagine what he'd be like when he found out that I overstepped my boundaries.

I was too thirsty to realise that I drank half of the content in one go..and that I wasn't alone in the kitchen. There she stood, watching me with judgmental eyes.

"At least now I know why you wouldn't lose weight. By the time you finish packing so much sugar into your system without proper exercise...I'd rather not complete that statement as it leaves a rather horrible mental image in my head. It is quite unfortunate that Keith has insisted on bringing you to my birthday dinner. The least you can do to not embarrass me and my son and your father is to not eat like that."

And with that, she ran her finger across the counter and looked at it as if expecting two years worth of dust on it but when she didn't see anything, she turned her head high and walked out. Of course she wasn't going to see anything. I cleaned that house every day just to save myself from whatever it was anybody wanted to use against me.

I looked at the bottle in my hand and having lost my appetite, I poured it down the drain. Yeah. Her words hurt as usual.

I just sat down on the chair and laid my head down because i felt very lethargic and my head was banging. I thought about all the things I had to do and how much I just wanted to sleep for days.

I have to make dinner and feed the cats and do the dishes. Also I have that 20 pages-long-paper I need to work on, and those shirts Keith said to launder and I promised dad I'd walk his dog with him today and...damn i have so much to do. I'll just close my eyes for some seconds. 200 seconds tops...

My thoughts ran wild as I tried to program myself as to which to do first. Closing my eyes, I just took a deep breath and what felt literally like 200 second later,  I opened my eyes. My eyes automatically went to the clock on the wall and I sat up with a start and in the bid to jump down from the seat, I didn't see the kitten in the way until it was almost too late. I avoided stepping on it but somehow, I ended up on the ground with my ankle twisted in the weirdest way.

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