Chapter 12

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"So I'll be back just in time for mother's dinner. Don't worry about getting a gift for her, I'll have my P.A pick one out for her okay?" Keith said as the driver put the box packed for the trip in the boot of the car. It was a Sunday and he had to go to Chicago for a business meeting.

I frowned a little at his words. His mother and I may not see eye to eye but that didn't mean I supported the fact that his PA was going to pick her birthday gift.

"I don't think it's right for your PA to be the one to buy a gift for your mum. You know what she likes and it's her birthday. You should be the one to choose a gift. It shows it's from the heart."

"Nothing you get for mother shocks her. Why bother putting in so much thought in it?"

I shrugged and unconsciously reached out to tighten his tie. "The thought is what counts. Even if she doesn't appreciate it, at least you'll get to satisfy your conscience that you did your best picking out one for her. And just because I said you should be the one doesn't mean you should just pick anything for her."

I felt heat rise to my face when I realised what I was doing and quickly snatched my hands back which made him chuckle as he stepped closer. After our dinner two weeks ago, everything had changed between us. I wasn't one to hold a grudge, so I didn't hold anything against him. I just didn't want to be used by anybody, so I wasn't being as forthcoming as he wanted.

Leaning forward, he took my lips just as his hand found it's way to my butt. He did squeeze my ass to elicit a gasp from me and when I did, he grinned as he broke the kiss.

"I will see you when I get back." He said and pecked my lips once more. He looked down only to see Blinky rubbing itself on his leg and chuckled. Blinky had taken a huge likeness to him. He bent down and stroked him beneath the chin.

"I'll miss you too lil guy." He said to the purring cat.

I waved as the car drove off and when I heard a whistle, I turned and rolled my eyes when I saw the grin on my best friend's face.

"Why are you always in my house Avery? Every time I turn, I see you." I asked with an easy smile and he laughed as he stroked Abby's fur.

"You know you love me girl. Besides, your food keeps me coming back. I know. I know. Your husband doesn't like me. Did you see the way he glared at me when I showed up this afternoon?" He asked with another laugh which also made me laugh. Keith had actually glared at him throughout brunch.

Dropping Abby, he put on his shoes and them kissed me on both cheeks.

"You look happy Nica. I'm glad. Thanks for brunch."

Smiling up at him, I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, for everything. You did so much for me and I still dunno how to thank you."

"You could thank me by picking out a really nice outfit for his mum's dinner without my help."

I chuckled nervously and he gave me a sharp look. "I'm serious...or do you have something already?"

I nodded and he immediately took off his shoes. So much for going home.

"Show me" he ordered and followed me inside. Remembering the black dress tucked inside my wardrobe made me feel hot in the face. I had seen it online and ordered it. I didn't know if I'd be able to wear something so...scandalous. Okay. It's not scandalous at all but I call it so because its not something I'd usually wear.

I pulled the dress out and gave it to him. The look of disbelief on his face made me wonder if getting that dress had actually been a good idea.

"You are wearing this to your mother-in-law's birthday? The same one that hates you and can't ever shut up about your weight?"

"Is it such a horrible idea? I plan on wearing tights since it's transparent in the wrong places. It's not like I'd really let her see my skin color. She'd probably have som..."

"I really really need to see this. Put it on." He said, cutting me short. I nodded and went into the bathroom. I was nervous. Pulling off my shorts and shirt, I put the dress on with trembling hands.

Put yourself together Maya. This isn't the dinner. This is just you trying the dress out and Avery is your fashion adviser. No harm done in letting him see.

I couldn't zip it up by myself, so I had to go out with it like that so he'd zip me up. When I came out, all I heard from him after a moment of standing before him awkwardly was a soft "Well damn it all."

"You are totally going to wear this Danica." He finally said as he zipped me up.

"It's not too transparent? People will have a fit if they see me like this. Also, Keith and his no cleavage policy."

"Fuck that shit. If you like the dress, f**king wear it. It's as simple as that."

I looked in the mirror and pressed my hand against my belly, wishing it to disappear, which it obviously didn't.

"You look good Danica. Stop worrying. What's the worst that could happen anyway?"

I nodded in agreement. What else could possibly happen that hadn't happened before?


I heard my phone beep, indicating a new message. It turned out to be Keith.

"Are you sure you're okay staying alone?" He asked for the thousandth time since he left and I rolled my eyes before replying.

"Yes. I'm fine. I've had 3 years of experience already. It's no longer a big deal." And I sent it.

I had exams coming up in about a month and was not really ready for it. So since he left on that Sunday, I had buried myself in my books. I was sleep deprived.

When I heard the cats meowing incessantly at not being fed for that afternoon, I sighed and dropped my highlighter pen before walking out with the lot following me.

Since they got too big for one bowl, I ended up getting 4 more bowls for them with their names written on it.

"There you go Abby. Blinky. Cadey. Darwin and the last but not the least, Everest." I said out loud as I filled their bowls respectively. I decided to take something for myself too and so I carried the plate of leftover pancakes up to my room.

Just then, another message came in.

Keith: "Alright. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay. Any specific thing you want to eat?" I asked, feeling generous. I had tried refrigerating and he hadn't even complained.  We now had something called leftover Thursday and Saturday.

Keith: "Pasta and grilled chicken. I'd also like homemade pizza or chicken tacos if making it won't stress you out🙊🙊."

I agreed. It wasn't worse than what I'd cooked all at once for him before. Rolling over to plug my phone, I pushed my books to the side and pulled the duvet over my body. I really needed sleep and I was going to get it.

Hey guys. Sorry for the late update. I hope it's okay. Till next time, ✌.

Don't forget to ⭐ and 💬. They make me happy☺.

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