Chapter 34

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It took about five minutes after Keith left for me to realize that he never did answer my question about the fact that he said he didn't do black girls.

He said he isn't racist. So is it like a food thing? The way I don't hate carrot but I still don't eat it? The way he doesn't hate grapes but he still doesn't eat it? If I was given a carrot I wouldn't mind eating it if I had no choice. Wow Maya. Good job comparing yourself to a carrot.

I shook my head and decided not to give it so much thought. Just to keep busy since my little men had taken over the TV, I started moving from one part of the room to another, looking at posters, reading post-it notes that were years old, smiling at his cursive writing that was so familiar and finally looking at old pictures taken with his friends when he was in highschool and college. I burst out laughing when I saw a picture of a teenage Keith with black hair, eye liners and eye shadows and snakebites piercings with ridiculously tight pants and a guitar. Even an eyebrow piercing. He even had a spiked choker and spiked wristbands on. The black nail polish killed the look. I took one of the pictures as I laughed some more.

Who would have thought..? Blackmail material... Oh God this is going to be good.

Flipping through the album some more made me loose my smile a little. I didn't have pictures like that. I never had friends in highschool. I really did stick out like a sore thumb and I was really awkward socially, so there was no one like that. I really did hope to have some but it never happened. That was why I considered Avery a beautiful breath of fresh air. He had been my very first friend, and remembering him brought a smile back on my face because I loved Avery to the point that I believe that if not having friends as a kid was the price to pay to have someone like Ave, I was happy to pay that price.

Logan was the first to get cranky. I looked at where they were and found out Lucas had fallen asleep, so I quickly rushed over and picked Logan up before the noise would wake the sleeping one up. The fact that he fell asleep so close to our feeding hour bothered me because I didn't like disturbing them when they were asleep but for my sanity, I tried maintaining a kind of schedule and for that reason, we had a feeding hour. I just pushed the stroller closer to the bed for easy reach and then went back to the bed and got comfortable as Logan got crankier. I had just made sure he was properly latched when there was a knock on the door.

Not really putting my mind to it, I asked who it was and Amanda replied. I jolted up and that almost made me disrupt the feeding baby.

"We're kind of busy right now..." I called out while looking around for something to cover up with. This was someone that had never made me feel comfortable since I became a member of her family, so you'd understand why I didn't want her to see me nursing. I had big breasts that naturally got bigger when I got pregnant and much much bigger when I started nursing, and she had called me fat in the past. So I definitely didn't want her to see me nursing. But when the door opened, I concluded that she either didn't hear me or she didn't care that I'd said I was busy.

I turned away a bit when she saw us and looked away. "Oh.. I didn't realise you were busy. Pardon my intrusion. I thought you said I should come in."

I shook my head while turning away to back her a little. "No.. I said we were kind of busy. Good afternoon."

She nodded and looked around. There was an awkward air in the room. "Should I go ahead and sit down or leave? I can leave if it will make you uncomfortable." She said and I felt my jaw hit the ground at her words. Amanda was being polite to me. She was actually speaking to me like I was a human being and not something lower. Sure, she'd come when I was still pregnant to apologize and ask me to talk to Keith but that was it.

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