Chapter 15

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The ride to the house was a silent affair. I felt the adrenaline rush that came from telling Amanda my mind leave my body and all that was left was the normal me that still wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep under the shower.

Slip into a hole is more like it.

Just then, Keith laid his head in my lap and buried his face in my stomach. He had been acting weird since he came back. Something was up with him and he didn't want to let me know what it was. When I ran my fingers through his hair, he looked at me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked for the third time that evening and he nodded.

"Yes I'm fine. Just tired."

By the time we got home, it was already after 10pm. He went straight to his room while I slowly crawled to mine. When I removed my shoes and tights, I remembered my zipper issues and sighed before laying down on the bed, dress and all. I really wanted to ask for his help again but I remembered how he went to his room without giving me a second glance.

My mind went back to his mother's words and I wondered if I had ended up embarrassing him at some point. I had tried so hard to not do anything that would be called an embarrassment. So what was up with him?

I decided to ask him. So I after taking a deep breath, I knocked on his door and when there was no response, I opened the door a little to know if he was in there. Just then, he walked out of the bathroom naked.

Oh Shit.

I muttered as my eyes followed the drop of water that ran down from his chest and disappeared into the trimmed pubic hair. His length hung limply against his legs, impressive even when flaccid. When my eyes finally met his eyes, he had this smug look on his face.

"Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk and my face felt hot as I turned and pushed my hair out of the way again. I couldn't understand him. He was constantly blowing hot and cold. One moment he's all playful and sweet. The next, he's all touchy and cuddly and maybe acts a bit needy. The next, he leaves me behind without a second glance. I couldn't keep up.

I shivered when he pressed his lips on my neck after unzipping me and I more or less ran out of the room. When I got to my room, I finally pushed the dress off my body and when I finally sat down to pee, I couldn't help but whisper the little pleasures in life to myself.

Stripping out of my clothes, I quickly showered and decided to go down to the kitchen to look for something to eat since I had ended up not eating at the party. But just as i brought the necessary fruits and vegetables out, I heard the doorbell.

What the? Who goes to someone's house by 11pm? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Those were my thoughts as I walked out of the kitchen to check who it was only to see that Keith already beat me to it. Before I could turn back, because I already knew the visitor would be his, I froze when I heard someone shriek "Heeeey baaaby".

I just stood there with my mouth almost wide open in shock. Her hair was still as red at it had been back then, and she still had that fine figure she had 2 years ago when I last saw her. She was still as beautiful as she had been back then. I felt my heart drop to my stomach when she kissed him, right there, in front of me.

Who was she? Keith's hot ex girlfriend, you know, the one he 'gave a shit about'? The one that had almost become a fixture in the house all those years ago. I had cooked for her and cleaned after her because I had been naive, stupid, foolish, everything senseless.

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