Chapter 13

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I smiled as I finished making the last taco. I had decided to make both the pizza and the tacos because I had been feeling very generous even though it was leftover Thursday.

Keith had called to let me know he was about boarding the plane. That was 2 hours ago. I had already started cooking before he called so that everything would be ready by the time he came in.

Placing the taco beside the rest, I carefully stepped over Everest, who had been in the way, to avoid a repetition of my home accident. I could swear that cat was determined to be the reason behind my being crippled for life. He was always in the way.

I rushed up to my room and showered quickly before pulling out a big long gown from the drawer in my room. While pulling up my panties, I remembered tat thong of mine that disappeared mysteriously and frowned a little. I had almost forgotten about it. Shrugging it off, I patted my hair and thought of what to do with it since I already removed the extensions. I looked at my wig and considered it but then decided against it. I just did some cornrows and went downstairs to snack on some sliced apples and that was when I heard the front door open and close.

I was happy he was back because since he started being nice to me, I stopped feeling lonely in the house. But I didn't want him to think I was overly excited to see him, so I just sat down and opened Instagram while stuffing my mouth with apple slices.

"Maya?" He shouted from the sitting room.

"In here." I replied absentmindedly as I smiled at the picture Jason put up, a picture of his fat tabby. I loved that cat. It was such a lazy cat with a sassy attitude.

"Hey." He said when he walked into the kitchen and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

Oh God he smells so good. No. Stop it Maya. We all know you have a weird habit of sniffing those you like the way they smell. But resist it. Don't lean in. Don't think of taking just a whiff of it.

"Damn that's one fat cat." He said as he tried taking my apples but I smacked his hand away.

"Wash your hands first..and fat can be fine too." I replied while smacking his wandering hand again. "Germs." I said and he rolled his eyes as he walked to the sink to wash his hands.

"How was your flight?" I asked and when he didn't reply, I raised my eyes to look at him and saw him just standing with his eyes tightly closed as he frowned, the water still running.

"Keith?" I called out, making my way towards him. He then opened his eyes and turned to me with a forced smile.

"Sorry. Zoned out for a second. What did you say?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's nothing serious. Probably gas." He said, brushing whatever it was that happened off. I nodded and then offered him the apples he so much wanted. Taking the plate from me, he put some in his mouth before putting the plate aside and pulling me flush against him.

"No welcome-back-I-missed-you kiss for your husband? I must confess I'm hurt Maya." He said with a smile before leaning in to kiss me. My hands automatically went round his neck as I kissed him back.

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