how you meet

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  A/N - hey guys this is an imagines book. enjoy ! checkout my other works ! all luke fics

   It's a stormy day in Sydney, Australia, you're driving home from a busy day at college. You've been going to college in NYC but you're doing three semesters in Sydney.

When you get into your apartment building you pick up your packages. They were stacked so high that the only part of your face showing was your eyes. On you way to the elevator you drop all your packages. The tall man standing next you holding a pizza box says "Let me help you."

He picks up all the packages. And stands up to face you. He has blondish brownish hair and dreamy blue eyes. You were so lost in his eyes, that it took you a minute to realize who it was. Luke Hemmings.

"Thank you..." You said. "I'm (Y/N)" You said. "I'm Luke" He says.

You step into the elevator. "What floor?" You ask. "Six" You press the six and the 8 button (you're the 8th floor) At about the fourth floor, the elevator stops with a jerk, causing you and your packages to fall.

It was dark. "Damn it" you say "What happened?" You ask. "Are you alright?" Luke asks, helping you up. "It must have been a power outage from the storm." He says. Emergency lights came on.

You plunked down on the floor, As did Luke. "I was really excited to eat pizza. It's going to be cold by the time I get to eat it." He pouted. "Eat it now." You laughed. "Good idea, here, have some"

You and Luke ate pizza and laughed, and talked.The elevator started moving again. "Here I'll help you with the packages Luke says. "Oh, but your floors before mine." You say. "That's ok. I'll ride up with you." When you reached the 8th floor, you and Luke stepped out.

You unlocked and opened the door. "Where should I set these?" He asks. "There is fine." You said pointing to a table by the door. "Thank you again" You said. "Before I go, could I maybe borrow a pen?" He asked. You handed him one. He took the receipt off the top of the pizza box, and scribbled something on it.

on the back of a it, is his number, with the words,

"We should eat food and talk again sometime" -Luke ;)

And with that, he gave you a small wave, smiled, and left.

hey so that was my first imagine :) it'll get better i swear. this is going to be a book of imagines, of your relationship with luke hemmings.

Luke Hemmings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now