he proposes to you

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if u don't remember what happened when u and luke first met go read the first chapter again, otherwise this isn't as cute, trust me

You walked back to you and Lukes apartment building. Standing on the sidewalk half a block from your building was Ashton.

"Ashton?" You said a bit confused. "(Y/N) take this" He said putting a package in your hands. "What the hell?" You said. "Trust me. I'll walk you to the building." Ashton said. You were very confused, but you did what Ashton said.

At the front door was Michael. "(Y/N) take this one too." He said. He put the package on top of the other one in your arms "What the hell is going on guys?" You said. "Trust us" They said in unison smiling.

You walked into the building, michael held the door for you. Calum stood in the lobby. "One more" He said giving you another package. They were now stacked so high you couldn't quite see above them. "Calum! I can't see" You said. "Just trust us. Keep walking" He said.

You walked towards the elevators. Only to bump into someone and fall, dropping your packages. A feeling of deja vu came over you. "Sorry!" You said. You looked up, and your eyes met beautiful blue eyes. Lukes beautiful blue eyes.

Just like when you had met. Luke helped you up, and picked up the packages smiling. The elevator opened. "Luke what's going on?" You asked still very confused.

Luke only smiled, and walked into the elevator. You followed him. The doors closed and it was just the two of you.

-- Lukes POV --

(Y/N) had no idea what was coming. When she wasn't paying attention, I hit the stop button on the elevator.

-- Your POV --

The elevator stopped. You set the packages down, and sat on the floor. Luke followed. "Well this is oddly how we met, huh?" You giggled.

"It is isn't it?" Luke smiled brightly. "Wanna open up that pizza?" You smirked.

Luke picked up the pizza and held it for a moment. He said, "Ever since that day I've been in love with you. And I know I'll always be in love with you. The minute you walked into my life, it was like being in an elevator that only goes up. Things just get better and better every day, never going down. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You know that? You have the ability to brighten a room just by walking in, and anyone who knows you will tell you that."

You thought maybe you knew where this was going...

Luke continued, "Your laugh is contagious, and cuddling with you instantly makes my day better. You put others before yourself and truly care about people. You love me despite all of my many flaws. Ever since we shared that first pizza, I knew you were special. I want to keep sharing pizza with you. For the rest of my life"

Luke stood up, and took your hand, bringing you up to. He opened the pizza box, as you began to tear up. Inside the pizza box was a small black velvet box. Luke got down on one knee. Slowly opening the small box.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) will you be my one and only, forever and always?" Luke said, with the biggest smile ever. You were now crying. "Yes...YES OF COURSE LUKE" You said, smiling and getting more excited. He put the ring on your finger, and you yanked him up, hugging him and kissing him. "I love you lukey" You said. "I love you (Y/N)" Luke said. You didn't know if you had ever seen him happier.

Leaving one hand on your waist, he pressed the start button on the elevator. When you and Luke got to your floor, the door opened. There stood the boys and (Y/BFF/N) all standing there. (Y/BFF/N) hugged you, "I better be maid of honor!" She shouted wiping a tear from her eye. "I WANNA BE A BRIDESMAID TOO" Michael said hugging you.

"Now we're REALLY like family." Calum said smiling and hugging you, and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "IM SO HAPPY!" Ashton giggled and hugged you tightly.

You all went to yours and Lukes apartment. "(Y/N), have you thought about maybe opening those packages?" Like asked. You ran over to the packages, Luke giggled at your excitement.

You opened one to reveal a 5sos shirt, that said 'Mrs.Hemmings' on the back with a 96. You giggled, "I love it" You said smiling.

The next one had cake toppers, that looked just like you and Luke.

The last package was heavier. You opened it to see a framed picture. It was your favorite picture of you and Luke, with the receipt from the day you and Luke met, that he had written his number on.

Still written on it was lukes number and "we should eat food and talk again sometime ;) -Luke" You had kept the receipt all these years, and kept it in your wallet. Luke must've taken it.

You observed the odd metal frame. "You know where that metal is from?" Luke asked stepping closer to you. "Where?" You said looking up at him. "The elevator we met in." Luke said. "Oh my god Luke"

"You're too sweet. How did I end up with you? I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." You said kissing him.

Luke broke your kiss and winked, "Same here cupcake"

here's the proposal imagine! i hope you liked it! i tried to make it as romantic and sweet as possible! once again, if you didn't remember what happened in the first chapter and didn't reread it you might've been a bit confused, or not found this as cute. please give me suggestions and requests! ALSO HOLY SHITAKE MUSHROOMS I HAVE OVER 4K READS!! thanks sm! 💖💝💖

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