grocery shopping

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"LUUUUUUUUUUUKE" You shouted from upstairs. 

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNN" He shouted coming up the stairs, bringing the dog with him. The two jumped on the bed. 

"We have to go to the grocery store because we have no food and I promised Mikey i'd buy him chocolate ice cream" 

"Okay fine, only because I have nothing better to do."

You rolled your eyes and you and Luke got into the car. 


"Luke you don't have to yell, I'm write here"

Luke opened the window, and slid on some sunglasses, then he turned on Out Of My Limit. He sang along 


"it sounds like you're saying lemon instead of limit" You laughed. 

"OH MY MICHAEL IT DOES!! Mandela effect."

You laughed and kept driving. Six 5sos songs later, you got to the grocery store.

"Go get ice cream" You said. Luke nodded and walked away, you got some of the things you came for.

Luke came back with 4 gallons of ice cream, you giggled and put your hand up to your mouth. 

"You're so cute when you laugh" He smiled. He put the ice cream down in the cart, and then got closer to you. 

"yeah?" you smirked.

"Mhm" He said and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

You smiled, and stood on your toes to give Luke a long, lingering kiss. He moved his hands down to your waist.

"mommy they're kissing" You heard some little girl loudly whisper. You giggled and so did Luke. The two of you stopped kissing, but Luke stayed where he was and kept his hands on your waist.

"No PDA in the store please" The girls mother said harshly, then grabbed her daughters hand and rushed away.

You and Luke broke out in laughter, doubling over. 

"PDA is kind of hot you know..." Luke said pushing the cart and pulling you with him, with his arm around your waist. "We should do it more often..." he moved his hand to your ass, and cupped it in his hand.

"Hemmings, we gotta pay and get home, so we can do some of that PDA with out the P" You said wiggling your eyebrows. 

Luke started running while pushing the cart, and you laughed. He got way ahead of you, then stopped and looked back. He ran back, scooped you up and put you in the cart. He continued running to the cashier.

Once you and Luke got home, he picked you up and whisked you upstairs.

guys lol in out of my limit, it legit sounds like he's saying out of my lemon

Luke Hemmings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now