he discovers fan fiction

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ok so i don't know that this is really a well-written imagine, but whatever, you don't have to read it. lol because i was just wondering if the boys have ever seen the fan fix about them so here ya go

You, Luke, the guys, and your best friend who was also ashton's girlfriend were hanging out. You and Luke were sitting on the couch, with his arm around you.

"So the other day I discovered the best thing ever." Luke said sipping his drink. "Fan fiction about us" Luke said laughing.

"Oh yeah have you ever seen the imagines?" Ashton said. "That stuff creeps me out" Calum said.

"It's kind of sweet, I mean they really love us" Luke said. "I enjoy muke fan fiction" Michael said. You laughed. "Muke is life"

"Here wait guys I found some" Ashton laughed.

"This is called how you meet. Luke imagines" Ashton said laughing.

"You walked into a music store to see a tall handsome man with piercing  blue eyes. As you walk passed him, you trip. Such a clutz. The mysterious man helps you up. 'I'm Luke' he says with an adorable smile. 'i'm (Y/N)' you say. 'if you ever need help getting up, call me sometime' luke hands you a piece of paper." Ashton stopped he was laughing to hard.

Luke burst into laughter. "Oh my lord, Luke there's soooo many about you. Thousands." Ashton said looking wide-eyed at his phone as he scrolled down.
"Aww, they paint you too literally be the prefect guy, your so sweet and funny in these." Ashton said. "Well he is." You say and kiss Luke on the cheek.

"Alright i'm looking up myself." ashton said. "Is it bad that I want to read these?" Ashton said. You all laughed.

"Woah! There's whole books of Muke!" Michael yelled.

"Wow. I found some...very...graphic ones" luke said laughing. "Guys you have to see this. It's Cashton smut" Luke said laughing.

You looked up fan fiction too. "Lukey! There's fan fix about us!" You said. "And there's a ton, where the person reading it steals you from me" You laughed.

"No one could ever steal me from you." Luke smiled and kissed your forehead.

so as i said before i don't really know what this was 😂😂 sorry that this was awful. but i was wondering if the boys have ever read any imagines or fan fic, or seen any of it. i know Cal has said before that it kind of creeps him out. anyway i'll have a much better imagine next chapter 😂😂❤

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