rehearsal dinner/party

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The wedding was in one day, and yours and lukes family were in town. There was a constant stream of different family memebers coming up to you, and fawning over Luke, and wanting to see your house. You love your family, and Lukes. But it was a lot

It was time for the rehearsal dinner. You and Luke had picked a nice restaurant, and we're headed there now.

"Ready to be bombarded with my entire family?" You chuckled. "I think so...Ready for the Hemmings?" Luke said. "I hope so."

You and Luke walked into the restaurant. You were there about half an hour before everybody. The boys were there, along with (Y/BFF/N), your parents, and Luke's parents.

Yours and Luke's parents had only met once before, they seemed to get along pretty well.

"Hey!" You said to everyone as you walked in. "(Y/N)! I'm so excited!" Your mom said hugging you. You chatted with your family for a few minutes, until people started arriving.

"Oh boy Luke. That's my drunk aunt" You said. "Your drunk aunt?" Luke chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah. She always gets drunk, and then has annoying conversations with EVERYONE, and she smells a bit weird, once she hugs you, it doesn't go away" You whispered.

"She's coming over now" You said. "Don't say I didn't warn you"

"(Y/N)!" She said obnoxiously loud. "Aunt (insert random name here)!" You said.

She hugged you tightly. "This must be Liam" She said gesturing to Luke.

"Luke actually" Luke said and sticking his hand out for her to shake, with a bright smile.

She thought nothing of his outstretched hand and hugged him, "Oh of course! My mistake Leroy" She said.

Luke looked at you for help, and tried not to laugh. You let out a giggled. "Alright, well we have to go deal with some stuff! See ya later." You lopped Lukes arm with your own, and speed walked away.

"Told you"



The dinner came to and end, and you and Luke were happy to go back to the comfort of your apartment.

After unlocking the door, Luke flicked on the light switch.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouted, out jumped the boys and (Y/BFF/N) in front, with pretty much all of yours and Luke's friends behind them. Even the ones who were out of town but came for the wedding.

You and Luke hugged the boys and (Y/BFF/N).

"I figured you could use a break from all the family, and would love to just party so I had the boys help me out" (Y/BFF/N) said. "It's my duty as Maid of Honor."

"Thanks best friend" You said hugging her.

"Thanks (Y/BFF/N)" Luke said hugging her as well.

"NOW LETS PARTY" Michael shouted, and cranked up the music.

You and Luke quickly changed into some more casual clothes and joined the party.

At the end of the night, it was time for you and Luke to go your own ways, you'd see each other next when you were walking down the isle. Luke was going to stay in a hotel with the boys, Jack, and Ben, and a few other friends.

You were staying here with your sister, (Y/BFF/N), (Y/F/N), Rose, and more friends.

"I can't wait to be your wife" You said to Luke and kissed him.

Luke pressed his forehead to yours and said, "Bye Miss (Y/L/N), This is the last day I can call you that."

He kissed you once more and left with the boys, leaving you and your friends.

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