vacation pt.3

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A/N this is a bit longer than my other chapters, but it's because it's a whole weeks worth of the vacation, enjoy, also there's a longer A/N, you don't have to read the A/N but i mean i'd like it if you did, it's not important or anything 💕

You and Luke landed in Colorado, there was plenty of fans who wanted pictures, but you got your bags and rental car pretty quickly. To get to where you were staying you had to drive up the mountain, through the switchbacks.

A/N for anyone who doesn't know what a switchback is it's like these sharp long turns on mountains you have to drive through to get up, they can be kind la scary considering the height they're at

"Luke, drive really carefully" You warned him. "Don't worry babe" He said, sensing you were scared. Just his presence was comforting.

You made it safely up the mountain, and to the cabin you were renting. It was so beautiful, covered in snow and icicles.

Luke brought the bags inside, but there was still one in the car, he came back out for it. As he was heading inside, you threw a snowball at him. Luke stopped and plopped the bag down. He slowly turned around. He looked you straight in the eye. Luke smiled, and ran over to you and playfully pushed you down into the snow.

You laughed. Luke reached out a hand to help you up. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down on top of you. Luke was hovering over you, staring into your eyes. "Your even prettier in the snow, you know that?" Luke said putting your hair behind you ear.

He got up and the two of you went inside.

The next day, you and Luke decided to go skiing. "Ready my ski bunny?" Luke asked. "Yep!" You said. "Which hat" you asked holding up a gray hat, and white one with a brown puffball on top. "White one" Luke said.

You and Luke got in the car to go to the slopes. You got in the chairlift. "Luke, have you ever skied before?" You asked turning to him. You looked around, it really was beautiful yo there, you were surrounded my mountains and pure white snow, providing a bright light that just made Luke look so amazing.

"No, but it can't be that hard...have you?" Luke asked. "Oh yeah! I used to go all the time when I was younger" You said. "And it's not as easy as it looks" You tried to explain. "But i'm amazing sooo..." Luke said shrugging and smiling. You laughed, "Yes you are. And your a penguin in its natural habitat. Snow!" You added and kissed him in the cheek. Luke was able to get off the chair lift but then came the time to ski down the hill...

Luke was good at first, but then lost control and started to speed down the hill, eventually he fell flat on his butt. You laughed histarically. Luke pouted. You helped him up, and linked arms with him.l, you taught him how to ski.

Soon enough, you and Luke were skiing down together arms linked. You let go of him for a minute and he was doing it all by himself, "Yay Lukey!" You yelled. "(Y/N) watch out!" Luke yelled. You looked straight ahead and sure enough was tree. You ran right into it, and fell down. Luke made his way over to you.

"You ok ski bunny?" Luke asked, smiling a bit. "Yeah, but I hit my head" You said pouting and rubbing the soon to be bruise on your head. "Lemme kiss it better." Luke said. He kissed your forehead, then your lips, and then your neck.

Later in the trip, you decided you were going to plan a special dinner for Luke, you felt so grateful, that he was bringing you, and paying might I add, for this whole trip.

Your family had an amazing recipe for (something your family has a recipe for/or your fav food) and Luke absolutely loved it when you made it. You got Luke out of the cabin for a few hours so you could make the food, and prepare for the special evening you planned.

"Honey, I'm home" Luke shouted in a sing-song voice. You pulled out is chair at the table, "Ta-da" You said. Luke said "Wow" He sat down. " look amazing Luke said, almost as good as this food looks" Luke said jokingly, you gave him a playful hit on the arm.

You and Luke enjoyed the food and talked, and laughed of course. "This was amazing babe, thank you" Luke said. "Oh...It's not over" You said. "Put on your warmest clothes and close your eyes. You and Luke both put on the warmest thing you brought, and you led him outside. "Open your eyes" You said. "OH MY GOD" Luke yelled.

In front of the two of you, was a dog sled, with someone to lead the dogs and everything. Luke ran over to the dogs and started letting them. "Well, what're you waiting for, get in let's go." You said pointing to the dog sled. You and Luke sat in the dog sled, where there were blankets waiting for you, You and Luke wrapped each other together in the blankets, pulling you closer to him, and he put his arm around you.

"So where is this amazing gift taking us?" Luke asked. "You'll see" You told Luke. "Thank you so much (Y/N), this has to be one of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me, I love you so much." He said. "I love you too" You said.

The sled took off. You and Luke looked at the beautiful scenery, and talked. Then you finally arrived at your destination.

"Where are we?" Luke asked. "Once were inside you'll see." You told him.

"AAAAAAA OH MY GOODNESS" Luke yelled once he realized what it was. It was a penguin rescue facility, where penguins fro the arctic came to get better when they were hurt.

"Luke guess what?" You said. "What?" Luke asked excitedly. "I got you a private meeting with the penguins. "I don't think anyone loves and understands me as much as you do." Luke said seriously, but he giggled from excitement.

Luke and you got to meet the penguins and snap some pictures, his instagram feed was going to be so cute later. "(Y/N) I love you as much as I love penguins." Luke said. Wow he really loved you.

The rest of the trip, you and Luke played in the snow and relaxed, but it was time to head to warmer places....

heyy guys! ok this was so cute honestly like, aaaaahhh. i wanna go to a penguin reserve with luke the penguin. i wanna go dog sledding with him, i wanna lay in the snow with him. so i figured it be nice to see yourself do something extravagant for luke because he's so amazing, and we all know how much he loves penguins.... sorry if this was a little long but who cares that just means more luke ❤😂 anyway thanks for reading also guys if you have an iphone and got the most recent update these new emojis are so great, if you didn't get the update yet, worth it! only takes like half an hour
🥗 salad emoji yes please
🥀 omg wilting flower
🐕 this dog is legit cute
🦍 harambe?
🕺 disco guy
🤰 preagnant emoji/ foodbaby aka me every day
👩‍🎤 all these careers they added for bother genders
🤳🏻 selfie
🤙🏼 i feel like this might be ashton's new fave emoji...
🤡 k this one is just creepy

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