going to sleep at night

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You and Luke got ready to go to sleep, it had been a long day. Luke watched you undress from the bed and you rolled your eyes at him. He sat shirtless, wearing boxers, on the edge of the bed petting the dog.

You threw on one of Luke shirts and then hopped into the bed. Luke laid back under the covers. The dog jumped up and jumped right on his stomach "Ow!" He yelled. You laughed, Luke laughed too. "Why dog I thought we were cool." He said picking up the dog and putting it next to him.

You too got under the covers. You curled up next to him. His body was warm, and you fit perfectly next to him, no space in between you two.

Luke wrapped an arm around your stomach and buried his face in your hair. After a few minutes of quiet. Luke just had to be Luke, he couldn't help himself, he started to tickle your stomach.

You laughed so hard you couldn't breathe. "Stop!" You giggled playfully hitting him. Luke stopped smiled and kissed your neck. He got on top of you and kissed you again. He moved his hips up and down, and his hands moved on your body. "Come on Luke we got to sleep." You smiled in between kisses.

"Oh fine." Luke pouted. He dropped back down to your side and again wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair.

hey here's a short little cute imagine! part 3 of the coma story will be up next, i know what i want to write, i just have to write it. IM AT 1.2 K OMG ❤❤

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