He and the boys have dinner with your family (pt.2 of last chap.)

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FYI this is a continuation of the last chapter

You and the boys jumped in a big cab, you were a bit nervous for dinner with your family. Luke must've noticed because he, kissed you on the neck and whispered in your ear "Everything will be great, promise" Luke said. You could feel his breath on your neck.

"Now, boys" Luke said clearing his throat. The guys were looking out the window, not paying attention. "5SOS MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION" Luke raised his voice. "Ok guys, best behavior tonight for (Y/N)'s family. Act like you're meeting your girlfriends parents." Luke said, you smiled. You could tell he was nervous too. He knew how important your family was.

"Yes dad" Michael said, causing Ashton and Calum to laugh.

When you arrived at the restaurant, you walked in and your family was there. You sat down, it was going alright so far.

"So Luke, how did you and (Y/N) meet?" Your sister asked. He told the story and gave you a wide smile. "Aw. So jealous sis" She said. Your sister was talking to Michael, Ashton, and Calum, a lot. She was such a flirt, she just loves romance, as long as you could remember.

Everyone continued to talk. Your parents got up to go to the bathroom. Everything was great until You heard Ashton across the table, telling your siblings about the time he walked in on you two. "And then Luke got up to yell at me" Ashton said, between histarical laughter, "But forgot that he was completely naked!" Ashton finished. Your siblings laughed really hard, even your brother that was a good sign. Luke's cheeks were red,

"Alright, that's enough mate, unless you want me to open the vault of Ashton stories." Luke smiled evilly. "Oh please do." Your sister said. "Remember that time he read his own fan fiction?" Calum laughs. "Oh yeah! this one time-" Luke is cut off when your parents come back.

The rest of the evening is great. The check comes and, The guys decide you split if. "Thank you! (Y/N), you've really found a keeper" Your mom says with pride. You and your family say your good nights before they go to their hotel.

You and the guys return to your place. You rio off your heels. Luke blows up two air mattresses, for the guys. "I CALL COUCH" Michael shouts. The guys do a little jam session, with their guitars and ashton's portable drum thingy (you don't really know what to call it) You rest your head on Luke's shoulder, listening to him sing as he plays the guitar. You doze off.

"She's really cute when she sleeps" Ashton says. "Back off Fellas, she's mine" Luke says smiling down at you. He wakes you up with a kiss to the head, picks you up bride style and carries you to your room. "Night guys" You say as he whisks you away.

When you enter the room he throws you down on the bed, and kisses you. He rips off his shirt. Before he kisses you again you say, "Luke, lock the door. Don't want Michael to walk in on this"

He locks the door, and strokes your hair. "I love you." He says. "Love you too. Now kiss me!" You reply.

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