he defends you when a creep hits on you

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You and Luke were out shopping at the mall. "Can we go to Victoria's secret babe?" You asked smiling at him. "Of course, get whatever you want, but i'm picking one thing out for you." He said. You laughed. "Not arguing there" You said. You took his hand and led him in the store.

After you got what you had wanted, you and luke went to wait in line, a pretty long line. "Babe, i'm going to go to the bathroom." Luke said. "I'll miss you" You said pouting and then smiling. Luke walked off.

Soon enough a guy came in line behind you. "You hear with anyone?" He asked. "Yes. My boyfriend." You turned around and looked up at him, and crossed your arms. "Pretty girl like you shouldn't be tied down to some guy." He said. "Well I love that some guy very much, so if you'd just leave me alone." You said. "What'd you buy there?" The guy smirked. "None of your fucking business you fucking perv." You said and turned around. That guy was so creepy.

"Oh don't be mad." The guy said. Before you could say anything the guy came up behind you and put his arms around you. That's when Luke came back.

You turned around as kicks the guys legs. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND YOU PERVERT BASTARD" Luke yelled and got up really close to the guy. "What you gonna do about it?" The guy said. Luke punched him in the face as hard as he could. Soon enough security came over. "Is there a problem?" They asked. "Yeah this guy just wLuke said angrily. "Is that true miss?" The guard asked. Tears were now streaming down your face. "Y-yes" You stuttered. The guards took the guy, and luke talked to security for a minute.

Luke came up to you and pulled you into a hug. He rested his chin on you head. He quickly paid for the stuff and took you out. He slipped his arm around you and you dug your head into his shoulder.

The two of you were in the car and it was silent. "Did he hurt you?" Luke asked. "No" You said. "Are you mad at me?" You asked.

"(Y/N) No, not at all. Baby i'm the farthest from mad. I'm terrified." Luke said. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He never cried, at least not in front of you. "Babe i'm fine." You said now crying too. "I just love you so much, and I want to protect you always. I never want you to be hurt, or upset." Luke now cried.

You placed a hand on his thigh. "I'm okay Luke really. You saved me." You said. Luke smiled. "I'm happy you're ok." Luke inhaled and seemed relieved.

Once you got home, Luke opened your car door and scooped you up and carried you inside. You hugged him and buried your face in his chest. "I love you. My hero." You said and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too (Y/N)." Luke said and kissed your lips. "Why don't you go try on what we bought." He asked and raised his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and took his hand, leading him towards your shared bedroom.

HEY, hope you liked!❤❤

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