beach day

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"Rockstar parking." Luke said as he pulled into a parking spot, directly next to the beach. "We barely have to walk." He said unbuckling and leaning over to kiss you. Luke wore board shorts, and a sleeveless shirt. You wore a denim shorts over your favorite bikini.

You and Luke got out of the car. He grabbed the blanket, and beach tent he'd insisted on buying, and you grabbed the towels and the bag with the food and drinks, because food is most important obviously.

You and Luke set up the tent and the blanket near the ocean. "I told you this tent was a good idea." Luke said. It was a tent, with a blanket inside, but also had a part of it outside for if you wanted to tan for a bit. "Babe, will you put sunblock on me?" You asked. "My pleasure." Luke smirked.

Luke rubbed your shoulders and lower back. "You know what the best part of this tent is?" He said when he finished. "Nobody can see us." He said pushing you down onto the blanket and getting on top of you, putting your legs in between his.

He held your wrists down next to your head and kissed you. He kissed your neck and hit the sweet spot below your ear, and you let out a soft moan.

He kissed your chest, and he ran his fingers along the edge of the inside of your bikini top. His finger were lightly touching your boobs.

He kissed your stomach and he unbuttoned your shorts. You could feel his hand begin to reach inside your bikini bottom. "Luke, they might not see us but people can still hear us." You smiled. "Do I look like I care?" He asked, picking at the edge of your bottoms. "Does it feel like I care?" He said reaching a hand inside of your bikini bottoms.

You moaned, and Luke stopped. "To the ocean?" He asked. "Luke. God damn it." You giggled. "Hey, people can hear us, so we'll just until we get home." He said mockingly. Luke took your hand and led you out of the tent. The two of you walked hand in hand down the beach towards the ocean.

The two of you splashed around, and the Luke picked you up over the shoulder, and brought you into the ocean. You laughed. He set you down.

--Lukes POV--

When (Y/N) laughed, I couldn't help but laugh too. Her laughter was contagious. When she was having fun and smiling, it lit up my world.

--Your POV--

You know sometimes you just start laughing with someone and neither of you can stop laughing? Well that was you and Luke right now. You were both just laughing, and gazing into each other's eyes. His eyes looked so blue against the blue ocean.

Because of all the laughing and fun you were having, neither of you really saw the huge wave that was about to crash on top of you. And just like that, you were submerged, being tossed around under a wave.

You washed up after a few seconds, and caught so. Luke was he duo right next to you. You looked at him and laughed. You pulled him into a kiss as the two of you sat there in the shallow water. When you released his lips, he starts to sing. "Salt on your skin, is pulling me in, and I need your love, and I need your love." He sang, and then smiled at you with his one dimple.

"I love you Luke." You said. "I love you too." He said, and swung an arm around you as the sun began to set.

sorry if this sucked i'm super tired but wanted to make sure I wrote an imagine today 😂 lemme know if you liked it!! ❤❤ 1.7k YAYYY almost to 2k IMMA CRY LOVE YOU GUYS

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