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hey guys!! so first off, sorry i haven't written in a few days, im writing a longer imagine but it's late so i can't finish it before i go to sleep, so i'm writing this quick one. also, 3K?? THANKYOU GUYS SO MUCH i'll write and A/N about it soon because i'm so grateful

You, Luke, the boys, and (Y/BFF/N) All sat inside the parked tour bus. It was parked in a practically empty parking lot next to a large field.

Luke laid across the couch, and you sat under his legs, with a blanket and your phone. Michael and (Y/BFF/N) sat across the room from you two. It started to rain and you glanced up form you phone, and then looked at luke. "I used to love playing into the rain when I was little." You smiled.

"Then why don't we go play in the rain." Luke said smiling and darting up. He took your hand and dragged you outside. The two of you ran across the empty parking lot over to the field. Luke dragged you along and you laughed.

It started raining harder by the minute and Your hair was soaking wet. Luke put on music and started singing and dancing, twirling you. You stared at Luke in the eyes as he danced. His blue eyes.

You laughed and smiled, Luke always knew how to have fun. He chuckled and smirked, "You're wearing a white shirt" He raised his eyebrows. "And my favorite bra" You rolled you eyes and playfully hit him on the arm.

"I want to try something" He said. He signaled you to step way back. You stared at him through the now pouring rain. "Run to me i'll catch you." He said with excitement.

You trusted Luke with your life, so you ran to him and jumped, sure enough he caught you and spun you around. Water flew around, looked like it was straight out of a movie. "Again" You giggled like a little girl. Luke kissed you and then said "Okay" He kissed you again. The water dripped down both your faces and you felt it trickle down your neck.

You ran back again. Then there was a huge clap of thunder and a big lightning bolt. Luke knew that you had had a really bad fear of thunder ever since you were very little, you had never been able to get over it. He opened his arms, you ran to him and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his soaking chest.

"COME INSIDE BEFORE YOU GET STRUCK BY LIGHTNING" Michael shouted from the tour bus. You giggled a bit, but didn't take your head away from lukes chest. Another clap of thunder came and you buried your face deeper into lukes chest.

"Don't worry" He said picking you up, and putting you over his shoulder. "I'll protect you"

there's a short little imagine for ya 💕

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