disney land

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"(Y/N) WAKE UP!" Luke yelled lightly shaking you, in yours and Luke's shared bed.

You jumped up, "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm better than fine, because I have a surprise for you." Luke said smirking and tapping your nose when he say you.

He pulled you into a long kiss, only to break it to say "Alright princess, get dressed."

After you were dressed Luke put a blindfold on you, and picked you up, brining you to the car.

Luke put on music and you could feel him smiling at you the long ride there.

When you finally arrived at the mystery location, you noticed it was loud, and seemingly cheerful. It smelled like happiness if that was possible.

Luke got you out of the car and ran in from you, lifting your blindfold. His mouth curved into a wide smile as your face lit up at the sight.

"DISNEY LAND!!" You jumped up and down.

Luke chuckled at your excitement, lacing his hand with yours and exhaling, "I knew you'd like it."


The sun set as you and Luke made your way towards the last ride of the day.

You stood in line for a ride. "I told you these were a good idea." You said gesturing to the matching Mickey Mouse ears you two had.

Luke leaned down to kiss you, your noses brushing together.

You got on the last ride. You and Luke's childish laughter echoed the whole way through.

"Thanks for such and amazing day Hemmings." You said stroking his arm.

"Anything for you Princess." He smiled, and kissed the top of your head, pulling you close.

SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN 2883282828 DAYS. i ran out of ideas and then there was camps, and sports, and school started and ugh i just got so busy, but i'm back guys so yay!! pls suggest some ideas so we don't have this long ass time period with no imagines again. also, thank you guys for so many reads!! 57k?? wtf!! that's amazing! thanks for sticking with me even though i've been so bad at updating lol sorry again, and i'm back!

pls check out my luke fic, new girl!!

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