you spend time with his family

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Luke yelled running into the apartment. "Hey babe!" You said hugging him. "my brother Jack is coming home to Sydney this weekend!" Luke said excitedly.

You had met Luke's parents twice before, but you hadn't really spent much time with them, and you'd never met his brothers. Luke loves his family very much, and you really cared what they thought of you. "Let's go! We haven't been back to Sydney in a while!" You said. "I can't wait for you to meet Jack." Luke said smiling.

The weekend came, and you and Luke got in the plane to Australia.

When you landed Luke's mom was waiting for you at the airport. "Lucas!" She said hugging her son. "Hey Mom!"Luke said. "You met her at that one show, but this is (Y/N)" He said. "and (Y/N), this is my mother, Liz"

There was a moment of silence. "I'm so happy to finally be able to spend some time with you!" Liz said giving you a warm smile and a hug.

The three of you got in the car, and talked. You finally arrived at Luke's childhood home. When you walked in the door, Luke's dad, Lukes brother, with his wife were sitting on the couch. "Dad!" Luke said giving his dad a hug, "Hey Celeste!" Luke said giving a hug to his sister in law. "JACK!" Luke yelled and gave his older brother a big hug. Jack messed with his hair, probably the only person who could do that. "So sad Ben isn't here." Jack said. Ben is Luke's other brother.

"Dad, Jack, Celeste, this is (Y/N)" Luke said smiling at you. You made your introductions and went to the bathroom.

--Luke's POV--
(Y/N) got up to go to the bathroom. I figured it was a good time to talk to my brothers about her. "Im really serious about her. I love her so much. She's so amazing, so please be good." I said. (Y/N) is perfect, nothing would mess this up.

"It'll be fine Lucas." Jack said smiling. "So what's so different about her from other girls?" Jack asked. "You know...I don't know if I can even explain it. She manages to forgive me when i'm a jerk, she makes me laugh more than anyone else, she just makes me feel good, all the time. And, all my friends love her, and I feel like that's a good sign." I said.

"Wow, Luke" Jack said. "You're in love."

"I really am Jack" Luke said.

--Your POV--

You returned from the bathroom and sat on the couch next to Luke. You and his family socialized for a bit, then it was time to go to dinner.

You arrived at a restaurant that Liz had chosen. You sat down at the table.

"So (Y/N), what do you do for a living?" Jack asked you. "Oh I (insert career/ dream job)" You answered. "Where'd you grow up?" Liz asked you.

"(where you live/are from)" you answered. "Do you want to hear some embarrassing Luke stories?" Jack asked you. "Um, yes!" You said smiling at Luke.

Jack told you hilarious stories about Luke as a little kid and as a teenager. You were laughing through most of it. Luke's cheeks were red. "Aw, is Lukey Pooky embarrassed?" You said looking at him. "Hey, I have plenty of stories about you." Luke said laughing, and smiling at you. "Please, spare me" You said. "Oh fine, only because I love you" Luke said giving you a kiss on the cheek.

The rest of dinner went well. Under the table Luke placed his hand on your upper thigh, teasing you, and traced his fingers on your skin. You gave him a little kick in the shin. He smiled at you and moved his hand up farther. You looked at him and mouthed "knock it off"

"What are you two doing over there?" Jack laughed. "Nothing" Luke said smiling and removing his hand.

Later, you all headed back to the house. You and Luke went into the room you were staying in, Luke's old room. "So this is where the amazing Luke hemmings spent most of his time." You smiled, tracing your hand on all of the things in his room.

Luke came up behind you and wrapped his hands around your stomach. "So do you think your family likes me?" You asked him. "How could they not?" Luke smiled and placed a kiss on the top of your head, and then on your cheek, and then on your neck.

You turned around and kissed him passionately. Luke's hands moved up and down your back. "We probably shouldn't do this in your parents house..." You said breaking the kiss and smiling at him. Luke crossed the room and locked the door. "They don't have to know" He said smirking.

hey guys!! hope you liked this! please keep reading, almost at 100 reads yayy thank you guys! i actually haven't been getting any reads on my most recent chapters so hoping i will soon ❤❤

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