"Yes I got it, I got the job"

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"Yes I got it, I got the job". Sarah came running into the living-room, she had just gotten of the phone with someone from the studio, now she looked at her fiance Jerry, sitting in front of the tv.
He glanced at her, his grey eyes unfocused, then he turned his attention back to the soccer game on tv. "Congratulations I guess, what was it ?"
She sighed, how she would wish that he was just a bit more interested sometimes, but of course he had a lot on his mind. "As an assistant on a new tv show".
"Oh yeah, so now you are going to run around sucking up to some snobbish actors". His voice succeeded in being condescending and indifferent at the same time.
"I wouldn't call it sucking up, but helping, getting them the things they need, it is a big possibility to get into the business and getting a network". She was very excited and happy for the possibility.
He huffed. "Like they are going to look at you at all my dear, you wont be anything but the girl who gets the coffee".
"They are not necessarily all snobbish and uncaring about others". She said, and thought that there was someone else, whom was sometime like that.
He suddenly snapped around, glaring at her. "Why are you that happy about a stupid job ? You want to hang out with movie stars and run after men ?"
"I am not going to run after anyone, you know that sweetie, and I don't even know what the show is, and as you just said, I will just be the girl bringing them coffee". She hurried up saying.
"Probably some shit that gets pulled after a couple of episodes". He said and returned to his soccer game.
Sarah went to the bathroom, she was disappointed over his reaction, couldn't he just be happy for her for once ? Finally she got a break, she was 25 years old and had just gotten a job for the biggest studio in Scotland.
Sometimes Jerry was just a bit stupid to listen to, she would never run after other men, she was engaged and by the way, no famous actor would ever give her a second glance, she was way to ordinary.
She sighed and looked in the mirror, everything about her was average, she was average height, average chestnut hair with a bit of waves, an average face, only thing about her that was a bit special was her very big green eyes.
She had known Jerry for 3 years now, and he had swept her of her feet, by telling her how beautiful and special she was, but then he got hurt and couldn't play soccer anymore.
And then last year he lost his job and since then he had gotten more and more negative, they rented a cheap house from his parents, because that was all they could afford.
Sarah had lost her parents in an accident shortly after she met Jerry, it had been a drunk driver and as she was an only child, she only had Jerry and her friend Hayley.
Yeah, she would call Hayley and tell her about the job, there she would be met with pride and happiness for her new job.
She grabbed her phone and went outside in the little garden, Hayley picked up by the second ring. "Hey Sarah, anything new ?"
"I got it Hayley, I got the job". She said joyfully and hearing her friend screaming happily warmed her heart.
"You are the best sweetie, you have to promise to bring me if there are any sexy guys, make up a bring-your-desperate-single-girlfriend to work day". Hayley said grinning.
Sarah laughed. "I promise to tell you if there are any cute guys, but it is probably just some boring show with no one famous, but I don't care, I get into the business and I am not there to oogle guys anyway".
"Might be that you could find something better than that lump on the couch, what did he say about your new job " Hayley wasn't exactly a fan of Jerry.
Sarah sighed. "He just doesn't really get it, he seems to think I am there to oogle actors, but he mostly just watched his soccer game".
"Seriously Sarah, you could do so much better than him, I know you don't want to hear that, but for Gods sake he do not deserve you". Hayley sounded concerned.
"He has just been through so much, he loves me, I know that, he is just not very good at showing it". Sarah wasn't sure whom she tried to convince.
She could almost hear Hayley shake her head. "Okay, we can say that for now sweetie, well I gotto go, my dinner is ready, call me as soon as you know more about the job right ?"
"Of course, so much I can tell without getting in trouble, I promise you that, talk to you soon, goodbye". She hung up, and went to sit next to Jerry on the couch.

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