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6 months later
Tonight Tom has his final performance on his play, Sarah was there of course, even though she had been to see him three times before and Hayley had come down from Scotland.
"Are you looking forward to having him at home more ?" Hayley asked, Sarah had stayed with Tom ever since he came rushing to Edinburgh to stop her.
She huffed, it was getting hard to move around. "Oh yes it will be nice to have him there all day and Tom has cleared his schedule till after the birth".
"You have gotten big as a freaking house sweetie, sorry to say". Hayley said teasingly and put her hand on her big round stomach.
"Yup he is growing in there". She said, her voice filled with love, she loved being pregnant, even though it was getting hard.
Hayley giggled. "Well he is probably taking after his daddy, so he got a whole lot of growing to do".
"Oh no, here comes the water works again". The show was about to end and Sarah could see that Tom was getting emotional and close to crying, and as she expected he had to choke down a sob to say his next line.
Hayley shook her head. "He can't help it poor thing, he's always been sensible and now he is pregnant to"
"Oh sometimes you would really think he was the one with the pregnancy hormones, he is sobbing about the weirdest things, yesterday it was a commercial on tv". Sarah said giggling.
The show was over and Hayley said sounding quite impressed. "You really have to hand it to him, that man can really act, when he is not crying that is".
Sarah smiled, then she saw Tom walk back out on stage alone, what was this about ? "If you all have a moment, I would like my beautiful girlfriend Sarah to join me up here".
She got up, a little insecure, she didn't like that kind of attention someone from the theatre helped her through a small door and up some steps and suddenly she was standing at the edge of the stage.
Tom saw her and waved for her to come over to him, and as she stepped out on the stage, she heard the orchestra starting to play soft music. Sarah blushed violently but still managed to walk over to him, and he grabbed her hand.
Even though most had figured out what he were doing, there still came a huge gasp from the audience as he kneeled before her and said.
"Sarah you are shining like the starlight and you have made me see, it is like the fog has lifted and you made everything crystal clear, I am a much better man now that I have you, would you do me the honor of marrying me ?" His voice were trembling sligtly.
Sarah was speechless and the tears sprang from her eyes, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, she looked into his nervous eyes and on the wonderful ring he had in his hand, and she managed to squeak out. "Yes, yes of course".
He let out a whoop and sprang to his feet, kissing her, then he put the ring on her finger and said. "Fuck she actually said yes".
The theatre erupted in cheers, but she could still hear him when he pulled her into him, resting one hand on her stomach. "Thank you so much, I love you both so incredibly much and I vow to spend every single day showing you".
She dried a tear from his cheek and whispered back. "We love you too and if you are just you, it is more than enough".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now