"Nice to meet you too and believe me, I take very good care of him"

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Sarah sent a text to Hayley, telling her she just needed to get of from work and tell which day she wanted to come ad the rest would be taken care of.
And a couple of hours later she texted back that she could come the next week, as there were renovation being done at her work and she could get time of there.
Sarah was really looking forward to seeing her best friend again and have someone to talk to, maybe she could give her another perspective on things.
Two days before Hayleys arrival Sarah went with Tom to the studio, he had a smaller part in a comedy show and Sarah have been crying with laughter watching the show.
She had never known Tom could be that funny, and he told that was why he had accepted the part, that he wanted to try and do something funny for once.
She had been to the bathroom and were on her way back, when something made her stop in her tracks, Tom was sitting on a chair, his back to her and a very beautiful voluptuous latina was leaning over him talking to him.
The woman had a very low cut top on and she was practically shoving her breasts in his face, leaning down to whisper in his ear, Sarah felt something tightening in her chest, like she couldn't breathe.
She couldn't see Toms face or his reaction, but apparently he was being funny, because the woman was flipping her hair and giggling like she got paid to do it.
Sarah contemplated walking away, but stopped herself, she had no reason to be jealous, she had to get used to women flirting with him, so she walked over instead.
"Hi baby, there you are". Tom jumped up from the chair and Sarah got that choking feeling again, he looked like someone getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Sarah smiled, she didn't want to show her insecurities, she had never been the jealous type. "Yep here I am".
"This is Lula, she is an assistant on the show, Lula this is Sarah, my girlsfriend". He said introducing them.
Sarah really tried to be positive and not let the other woman intimidate her, so she extended her hand to her. "Hi Lula, nice to meet you, good to see someone is taking care of him when I am not around".
"Nice to meet you to and believe me, I take very good care of him". Lula put her hand on Toms shoulder, squeezing it.
Sarah could feel the blood roar in her ear and she had to bite her cheek not to ask her to keep her damn hands of him, but she managed to just smile stifly.
"Well I am done for today baby, what about we get out of here and do something fun instead ?" Tom looked at her.
Sarah nodded with relief, she wanted very much to get as far away from Lula as possible before she lost her cool. "That sounds like a great idea sweetie".
"See you Lula". He said and grabbed Sarahs hand, walking briskly towards the exit.
"I hope soon, mi chico guapo". Lula purred after him, making some kind of duck face and waving her perfectly manicured hand.
Sarah held it together till they were out the door, then she ripped her hand from his, glaring at him. "So the two of you see each other a lot when you are here ? Since she is calling you her handsome man".
"Uhh is that what it means ? I don't really speak spanish, I just thought it was a normal way to say goodbye. Sweetie you have nothing to get upset about, yes she works here, so she is here, but that is all". He looked a bit confused.
Sarah sighed, she didn't want to be like this. "Sorry, just me taking it wrongly, she was just very beautiful and sexy and I might have gotten a bit jealous".
"Baby you have nothing to be jealous about, to me you are the most beautiful woman in the world". He pulled her into his arms kissing her softly.
Sarah still kept feeling odd though, she had to admit to herself that she didn't like that woman working with him, something about her made Sarah feel insecure, but she didn't tell Tom.
Next evening Tom was in the shower and his phone was laying on the table next to her when he got a text, she knew it was wrong but she couldn't stop herself from looking.
She could only read the part of the text that popped up on the front screen, but it was enough to freeze her blood, it was from Lula and it said > Hallo mi amado, I can't wait to see you again, especially since I nearly didn't get to spend any time with you yesterday, hope we can be more alone next time and maybe ...<
Why where Lula texting him privately ? And why did she call him my love ? And what was it she wanted to do to him alone next time she saw him ? Sarah felt her world crumble and fall apart.
She heard Tom coming out of the shower and put the phone back, pretending to watch tv.
He came in to the living-room whistling, only wearing a pair of blue pj bottoms, his chest naked, she looked up at him. "I think you got a text".
He grabbed the phone and unlocked it, reading the text, he didn't answer it, but just sat down in the armchair.
"So anything important ?" She couldn't stop herself from asking about the message.
He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the tv. "No, it was just some silly thing Ben sent me".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now