"I will try and be more of a spoiled movie star in the future"

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"Tom would you please let me do my job ? I know that you are just being nice, but if you keep doing my job I end up getting fired". She looked at him with resignation.
It was a couple of days later and she was going crazy, because Tom wouldn't let her do anything, actually he was waiting upon her constantly.
She knew there was a lot of rumours about them on set, and his behaviour definitely didn't help, she didn't really care what people thought, but she was afraid it would come out somehow and reach Jerry.
"Oh I hadn't thought about that Sarah, I am so sorry, it just feels so wrong for me to have you wait on me". He looked at he like he really was sorry.
She smiled at him sweetly. "But you know that is what I am getting paid to do right ? That is my job".
"I will try and be more of a spoiled movie star in the future". He said with a grin, winking at her.
She shook her head at him. "Come on mr Movie star, you have to get ready to get on set".
She was watching the filming, and at every break Tom was looking at her smiling and every smile warmed her like the sun. She didn't like to admit it, but she was falling for him, getting sucked more in by his gravity, day by day.
If she could just see a way out of her problem with Jerry, but she didn't dare leave him, even though she now knew her love for him had died.
And there was no longer any doubt in her mind that Tom was serious about wanting to be with her, but she was insecure about how deep his feelings really ran and if they could survive his showbiz life.
She was afraid that if she took her chances with him, she would end up all alone with a broken heart splashed out on the covers of the tabloids.
"We got a small problem sweetie". Tom looked at her very seriously, taking a bite of his sandwich, they were in the diner having lunch.
She looked up at him, thinking she already had more than enough problems, she didn't need another. "A problem ? What is it ?"
"The day after tomorrow we are going to wales for a two day on location shoot, and we are sleeping there". He said.
"Oh". She bit her lip, how was she going to do that ? Jerry would never agree to that and it would also blow her cover as a clippers assistant.
He looked at her with a worried expression. "I thought it would be troublesome for you, so if you just want to call in sick, it is fine with me".
She thought about it, but she knew it would put her in a bad light. "No it is okay Tom, I will figure something out".
"Are you sure Sarah ? I don't want to cause you any trouble". He crabbed her hand over the table and without thinking she laced her fingers with his.
"Yes completely, it will be alright and I don't wanna miss out on that trip". She smiled at him and he lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing it softly.
Sarah spent the rest of the day and the whole next day trying to find a solution, but she knew there was nothing she could do to make Jerry accept her going away for two days.
In the end she snug out in the morning while Jerry was still asleep and left him a note saying she had to go away for work.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now