"That man only has eyes for one woman"

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Sarah almost lost focus for a second, but then his eyes caught hers and for some reason that kind of calmed her.
He held the eye contact and she kind of felt like they were the only people in the room, forgetting everything about the audience.
Tom stopped right in front of her and his eyes never left hers for a second, she felt he was singing those words to her and her stomach did a lot of gymnastics.
When the song ended everyone in the bar was clapping and whistling like crazy and Sarah felt herself blush violently.
He put an arm around her shoulder and let her down from the stage. "Sorry I just intruded on you like that, I just couldn't help myself, but you were great, why haven't you told me you can sing ?"
"But I can't sing, that was nothing special, but you were amazing". She didn't dare look at him.
She had a hard time shaking the feeling the song had sparked in her, but it was stupid, she couldn't think of him like that, she loved Jerry and there was no way Tom could be thinking about her like that, it had to be the alkohol confusing her brain.
"She really need some confidence this one, that is her main problem". Hayley said and looked at them.
"This is my very best friend Hayley and this is Tom". She presented them to one another.
Tom was still looking at her. "Hayley is right you know, you should have more confidence in yourself, then you would see how truly amazing you are".
"So you got my message ? Where you out already ?" Sarah changed the subject on purpose. He looked very good in black slacks and a blue lightly mottled shirt, he was wearing his glasses.
He smiled clearly knowing what she was doing, but he didn't mention it. "Yes I went out for at couple of beers with some of the other actors, I was just heading back when I got you message".
They sat down at a table and watch some of the other people sing, talking about everything and nothing, having a really great time.
"I just need to go to the little girls room". Sarah got up, definitely feeling the alcohol now.
Hayley stod up to. "I think I will do the same, Tom be a doll and get us another round of drinks".
They moved through the bar to the bathroom and got done what they needed done, when they were standing next to each other washing their hands, Sarah glanced at her friend. "So what do you think about him ?"
"Seriously that man is more than perfect, he is handsome, extremely sexy and he can sing, what's not to love ?"
"So you are still contemplating offering him your company ?" Sarah bit her lip and turned of the water.
Hayley put her hands on her hips and looked at her like she was crazy. "No I have no need to make a fool of myself, and that man only has eyes for one woman".
"Who ? I haven't noticed him looking at anyone in particular". Well it would be nice for him, she thought and it was none of her business.
Hayley sighed and shook her head. "You are so fucking blind Sarah, he is crazy about you for Gods sake".
She just stood there, her mouth hanging open and her brain running wild rabbit trails, that couldn't be true, she had to have gotten it wrong. "Stop it Hayley, of course he isn't".
"Oh believe me sweetie, everyone in here could see it when you sang, they way he looked at you, he meant every single word". Hayley walked towards the door.
"He is an actor Hayley, it is his job to seem believable, and no matter what I love Jerry". She followed her friend out.
Hayley turned her head looking at her over her shoulder. "Yep you just keep on telling yourself that".
They sat down next to Tom again, but now Sarah was painfully aware of everything he did or said, Hayley couldn't be right, could she ?
Sarah pulled her phone out of her bag and saw she had 10 calls and 8 texts from Jerry, she jumped up. "I got to go rigth now".
"I better get back to, I have to be on set early tomorrow". Tom got up and offered her his arm.
They both said goodbye to Hayley, who wanted to stay a little longer, when they got outside he looked at her with concern. "Should I go with you, to make sure you get home safe ?"
"No it is fine Tom, I will just get a taxi, but thank you". She smiled at him, trying to look calm, but her inside was all balled up with fear, what would Jerry say ?
He hailed a taxi, then he hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. "Take care right ? See you tomorrow morning".
"Of course, see you". She got in the taxi and waved at him. While the taxi got her closer and closer to home and Jerry and farther away from Tom, her hand went to her cheek, touching the spot he just kissed.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now