"I thought you naked was my surprise"

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"I just have to take care of something, so just stay put a little longer". Sarah got up from the bed, they had just snuggled up close together for the last half hour
"You are spoiling me far beyond what I deserve, you are so amazing". He looked up at her lovingly.
She smiled happily. "Bullocks sweetie, you deserve it all and more on top, not only for what you did for me, you always put others first".
She went to the bathroom and filled the huge bathtub with hot water and relaxing bath oils, then she poured two glasses of chilled champagne and lighted some candles.
When she had taken of her clothes, she went back inside, taking his hand. "Come on, time for your next surprise".
"I thought you naked was my surprise". He said grinning and followed her into the bathroom.
They got into the bathtub and Sarah guided him to sit between her legs, leaned against her, and she washed first his body and then his hair.
He sat with his eyes closed most of the time, sighing contently once in a while, smiling happily, she kissed his neck and said. "It is so good to see you this relaxed".
"Hmm I could easily do this every single day". He said with a moan and sipped his champagne.
"Eh I can imagine that easily". She said grinning, pulling him into her, snuggling against his back, she wouldn't mind just having him all to herself.
When they had dried of, she pulled him with her to the bed, and told him to lay down on his stomach, then she grabbed a bottle of massage oil and started from his feet.
She was slowly working her way up his strong legs, enjoying the feeling of his muscles relaxing under her hands, his thighs getting an xtra throughoutly massage.
"Stay still Tom, this is pretty much impossible when you move so much". She was trying to massage his behind, but he kept squealing and moving around.
He giggled and moved again. "Sorry sweetie, I am just so damn ticklish right there".
She shook her head chuckling, she had never met anyone who was ticklish on the ass before, she had to remember that.
Then she worked on his lower back and she could really feel how knotted up his muscles were, he really needed this she thought.
When she started on his back and his shoulders he whimpered quite a lot, but she didn't ease up, she knew she needed the use some force to get all the tension out.
Then she got him to turn, and let her eyes run up his naked body, biting her bottom lip, she never got tired of that sight.
Then she started massaging the front of his legs and thighs, he couldn't hide that he really enjoyed it, especially not when she reached the area around his hips, abdomen and groin.
He was laying with closed eyes and a very happy smile gracing his mouth, while she worked on his chest, shoulders and arms.
And then she couldn't control herself any longer, the sight of him and touching every inch of him had made her pretty hot, she lifted herself up on her knees, grabbed his cock and slid down on him in a swift movement.
He gasped in surprise and his eyes snapped open, she smiled at him teasingly and leaned down to kiss him, while moving her hips slowly on him.
She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of having him inside her, while rolling her hips, he lifted himself up on one elbow, his mouth finding her nipple.
The pleasure started building inside her, starting in her stomach and thighs, rolling through her like waves, crashing between her thighs and deep within her core, she was moaning his name.
But he just kept going, grabbing her hips thrusting up into her, sending her of on a new wave of unspeakable pleasure.
When he hoarsely whispered her name and she felt his body tighten as he came, she couldn't take it anymore and she screamed out her orgasm, collapsing on top of him totally spent and even more satisfied.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now