"You really don't realise Sarah ? I am in love with you"

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She did everything she could to keep Jerry happy, let him watch tv without disturbing him, only said something when he asked and made his favorite food.
When they were sitting in front of the tv, finishing up their dinner she asked. "Is it okay if I go over to Hayley ? It won't be long, but her boyfrind dumped her and she needs to talk".
"Again ? Well I understands why they can't stand the bitch for long, okay then, just go, but only for a short time". He eyed her.
She felt like a little girl having to ask her father for permission. "Of course, I have to be early at work tomorrow".
"Oh yes work, you are exceptionally glad for that job or maybe it isn't the job making you happy". He glared at her.
"Of course it is the job and it means money, we need the money". She answered she knew the money were a sore spot for him.
He grunted visibly annoyed. "Well just get out of here, but don't try any funny buisness".
She ignored his last comment and grabbed the car keys, hurrying out before he could change his mind. When she started the car she realised she had forgotten her phone, but she didn't want to go back inside and she didn't really need the phone.
She drove to the park, she had chosen a public place on purpose, but one where they could be pretty much alone and they could speak without anyone listening.
How could she explain it to him ? She couldn't tell him the truth, she had turned and turned every scenario in her head, wondering how best to get through this.
When she got closer to the lake, she saw that Tom where waiting, he was sitting on a bench, looking to be deep in his own thoughts.
But when she got close he spotted her and he got up grabbing both her hands in his. "Sarah are you okay ?"
"Yes Tom, I am okay, it was stupid of me to run like that". She looked apologetic at him.
"It is quite okay Sarah, I guess I kind of scared you, I didn't mean to, I ..I just couldn't stop myself". He let go of her hands, running one of them through his hair.
Every idea about what she should say and how was forgotten and without thinking she just asked. "But why Tom ?"
"You really don't realise Sarah ? I am in love with you, you are so sweet and beautiful, you are the most amazing woman I ever met". He looked at her, looking like a puppy expecting to get kicked.
"Oh, that ...". She didn't know what to say , she had a hard time understanding it, but she didn't think he would lie to her, and why should he ?
She sighed. "I wish it wasn't like this, but I have made a promise to Jerry, I owe it to him to keep it, he helped me through the worst part of my life".
"And that is one of the things that makes you truly special. But please tell me one thing Sarah, and if the answer is no, I promise I will step down and never treat you as anything more than a friend". He looks at her pleadingly.
She bites her lip and answers a bit nervous. "Okay then, what is it you want to know Tom ?"
"I want to know how you truly feel about me, if you for a second pretends that there is no promises and no Jerry, would I then stand a chance ?" His eyes were gazing into hers.
She contemplated lying, to shut him down there and then, but she just couldn't. "If there was no Jerry, yes of course you would, but there is a Jerry, so what does my feelings matter ?"
"It means that there is still a chance and I am not going to give up fighting as long as there is a possibility, who knows, he might be stupid enough to let you go". He answers.
"I wouldn't count on that, so don't get you hopes up Tom". She says with a big sigh.
He smiles at her. "I don't expect anything, but I am going to hope and by damn I am going to fight and until the opportunity arises I am going to be your friend".
They walked slowly back to her car and he pulled her i to a long hug, telling her. "Remember you can always call me or text me if you need anything".
"See you tomorrow Tom". She kissed his cheek softly and the jumped i to the car, driving home.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now