"Please no more yelling at me or calling me a bloody idiot thank you"

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They were snuggleing in the bed of his hotel room, Tom looked worriedly at her. "I don't think it will be possible to keep our relationship a secret when this comes out".
"It is okay, I don't have to fear for Jerrys reaction anymore". Her fingers were tracing over his chest while she was talking, he had gotten a really bad bruise were the bullet hit the vest.
"How much are you okay with getting out ? Because they will ask and they will dig for everything, so if there is something you wish to keep secret I will make Luke do his very best to keep it secret". He looked at her seriously.
She sighed and smiled at him, his puplicist Luke had arrived to handle all the press. "It is okay, I have nothing to hide and I think everyone should know what a hero you are".
"Well probably more like reckless and a bit to impulsive". He said smiling apologetic.
She kissed him softly. "Maybe a bit, but you were still very brave and very heroic, you definately learned something from playing Pine".
He laughed out loud and kissed her lovingly. "Well he is probably not the worst character to learn from".
She snuggled into him, the mere thought of how bad it could have ended hurt her physically, she kept thinking what if ? What if Jerry had aimed for his head ? What if the vest had just been a prob ?
Tom got dressed and went to talk to Luke about what to release to the press and which questions to answer.
Sarah turned on her phone, she had turned it of when they were at the police station and hadn't turned it back on, and she soon received a bunch of nervous text from Hayley.
She hurriedly called Hayley, and she picked up at the first ring. "Sarah what is happening ? Are you both okay ? Why were you phone turned of ?"
"Relax Hayley, we are fine, even though it is more luck than anything else, Jerry forced me with him at gun point and lured Tom to come so he could kill him". Sarah answered.
Hayley gasped. "I told Tom not to go there, that he should call the police and let them check if he thought something was wrong".
"Yeah he is just about as good as Loki when it comes to doing as he is told, Jerry shot him, hadn't he been smart enough to grab a bulletproof vest in costumes he would have had a hole through his heart right now". Sarah sighed.
Hayley sounded seriously shocked. "Oh God, I didn't think Jerry would actually shoot him, hit him yes but not trying to kill him. For Gods sake Sarah are you okay ? That must have been so scary".
"I thought he was dead, I hit Jerry with a shovel, but I can't stop thinking about what could have happened. Tom didn't even know if the vest was real and what if he had shot him in the head ?" She fought back a sob.
"Stop thinking so much about it Sarah, luckily it went well and Tom has shown that he is willing to risk his life for you, that is kind of romantic". Hayley said.
Sarah breathed in deeply. "You are right of course, it doesn't help thinking about what could have happened and yes it was both sweet, romantic and just a tiny bit stupid".
"A typical Tom thing to do, but kick him from me for not listening and hug him for being a real hero". She said giggling.
"I will Hayley, He is just talking to his puplicist Luke about what to release, so there will probably be something official out soon". Sarah said nervously.
Hayley sounded worried. "You will have hell with the press, they are going to wallow in this, but they will no matter what, take good care of yourself and each other right ?"
"I promise that Hayley and you too, talk to you soon okay ?" She smiled at Tom, who had just entered the room.
"We will Sarah, remember to keep me updated". Hayley said ending the call and Sarah put down her phone.
Tom came over, putting his arms around her tightly. "Was Hayley worried darling ?"
"She asked me to kick you and to hug you and said she kind of expected it from you". She smiled at him.
He sighed. "Please no more yelling at me or calling me a bloody idiot thank you, Luke has done that more than enough".
Sarah breathed in deeply and looked serious. "What did you agree to release then ?"
"As close to the truth as possible, without going into details, then people might refrain from guessing to much, tried that , so better tell the truth". He said, and she guessed he was talking about his break from his fiancee.
Sarah bit her lip, it was time for her to ask. "The break up, what is the truth ? If it is okay for me to ask ?"
He sighed. "It is perfectly fine Sarah, there is nothing omnious to it, even though I heard quite a lot of stories, we were just naive, thought it the right thing to do, but we didn't want the same things, we weren't in the same place in life and we just couldn't make it work".
"Am I egoistical if I say, that I am just a bit happy it happened, that it ended ?" She looked at him.
He gently pushed the hair from her face and looked into her eyes. "Believe me, I am happy about it to now".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now