"I love him, he is my hero"

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"Are you ready ? This can be a bit overwhelming and a bit uncomfortable, but I am with you the whole time". It was the next morning and Tom looked at her, they were on the way down in the Elevator.
Luke were standig next to them, he was there to make sure Tom only answered the right questions, and he said with a friendly smile "Don't worry, it will be alright".
Sarah nodded, she had butterflies in her stomach, the hotel manager had been there telling them that there were a lot of journalists and paps outside. "I can handle this".
She had read the official press release, then said that they were dating and that Jerry her mentally unstable and violent ex fiancee had shot at Tom, but he was unharmed.
They had gotten the statement out pretty quick, but it didn't stop the internet from running wild with rumours, some even saying that Tom had been killed, and it made her really upset reading it, even though she knew it wasn't true.
From the lobby she could see the throng of people outside, Tom put his arm protectively around her, as they walked out through the doors, Luke in front of them.
She had worried a lot about what to wear and how much to do with hair and make-up, she wanted Tom to be proud to be seen with her and she wanted to make a good impression.
She had opted for only a light make-up and her hair hanging loose, she had thought about wearing a dress, but on set a pair of skinny jeans and a blouse was just easier, so she chose that.
When they stepped outside they were met with flashes and yells, Sarah tried to smile and look at everyone calling out, but the racket made it really hard to focus.
Tom stopped and held up his free hand, to signal that he wanted to speak and the throng went relatively silent. "Thank you very much for showing up, I have a show to shoot, but I guess we have time for a few questions".
"Tom we understood that there were a shooting, was it serious ? Were you hit ?". A reporter asked after Luke pointed at him.
Tom nodded. "It is true there were a shooting and yes I actually were hit, but luckily I wore a bullerproff vest, so I got of with a black bruise".
"Where did you get hit ? Why were you wearing a vest ? Why did he shoot at you ?" Several persons were yelling at the same time.
Luke held up his hand and Tom said. "Calm down please, I will try to answer everything. Unfortunately he wasn't well, Sarah left him a short time ago, even though he tried to force her to stay, and he had taken her against her will".
He went on. "I reacted on instinct, I knew he was prone to violence and psychologically unstable, so I chose to be secure, which turned out to be pretty smart, as you can see it saved my life".
He pulled his shirt aside, showing the now almost black bruise on his chest, making everyone gasp and the cameras to go crazy.
"Sarah how do you feel about this ? And what are your feelings toward Tom after what he has done". Suddenly people turned to her.
She breathed in deeply and answered honestly. "It is the worst thing I have ever experienced, I didn't know about the vest and I thought he was dead. I love him, he is my hero".
Tom just smiled and looked lovingly at her. "I love you to darling and you should all know that Sarah is a hero to, she knocked him out with a showel, stopping him".
"A kiss, lets see a kiss then". Someone yelled and suddenly everyone was asking for a kiss.
Tom send her an apologetic smile, then he gently pulled her to him, kissing her softly, making her forget the flashes and people clapping.
"And now we have to get going there is a job to be done, thank you for you time". Luke said and ushered them to the waiting car.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now