"I have an inkling that you are going to get me in trouble young lady"

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Sarah went into the living-room and threw her coat on a chair, Jerry was as always watching TV. "Hi honey I am home".
"Early isn't it ?" He ran a hand through his long unwashed blond hair, not taking his eyes of the screen.
"Well yes, we don't start shooting before tomorrow, so not much to do today". She flopped down on a chair watching the TV.
Jerry looked like he suddenly remembered something and he sounded suspicious. "You never told me whos assistant you are".
"Him, right there". Sarah pointet to the tv screen, she had just realised that Jerry was watching the first Thor movie.
"That skinny guy playing Loki ?" Jerry looked up at her and then at the screen, as if he was assessing the threat level.
Sarah nodded, better to play along, making him think she didn't find Tom attractive to avoid a jealousy outbreak. "Yup that one and he is engaged to".
"I thought he was gay, so disappointed it wasn't a real man like Tom Hardy ?" He looked at her waiting for a response.
"Stop it Jerry, it is not relevant, I am only interested in the job, I don't care who I am assisting, I got you". She tried to sound loving.
Jerry grunted, but he let the topic go and continued to watch the movie, Sarah relaxed and made herself comfortable in the chair, she thought Tom looked so young and sweet in the movie.

The next morning Sarah jumped excited out of bed, she couldn't wait for them to start filming, it would be such a treat to watch.
When she was walking through the entrance she heard footsteps fast approaching from behind and then a warm voice. "Morning Sarah, ready for a long day".
She turned around smiling. "Morning to you to Tom, you better belive that I am, are you ready and well rested ?"
"Most definitely, all ready to go and all lines for today is packed in here". He said smiling, tapping his own temple.
"Sounds good, I can't wait to see what will happen and how everything is done behind the camera". She was skipping, feeling totally elated.
Tom was laughing happily. "Well someone is in a great mood today, don't get to disappointed, it is a lot of waiting around doing nothing, it can get a bit boring".
"I am not supposed to just stand there doing nothing, I am supposed to be at your beck and call right ?" She said smiling.
His mouth curled into a lopsided smirk and he lifted one eyebrow. "Hmm well yes, I think I could get a lot of fun out of that".
Sarah felt her stomach do a back flip, but kicked herself mentally, he was just kidding, there was nothing serious to it, so she brushed it of with a laugh.
He was due in hair and make-up first, but it didn't take long and after that he was down in the costume department, where he came out wearing a dark suit and a white shirt.
"Uhh weren't you wearing a dark suit and a white shirt when you went in ?" Sarah looked at him with amusement.
He chuckled. "Well this particular dark suit and white shirt was picked by very good stylists and I have a bow tie and a coat".
She looked at the coat hanging over his arm and the perfectly tied bow tie. "Yes of course, you have a bow tie and a coat, I see".
"Hey little miss sassy pants, you are not making fun of your boss are you ?" He tilted his head looking at her.
She bit her lip to hide a smile and shook her head. "No of course not, I would never do such a thing".
"I have an inkling that you are going to get me in trouble young lady". He said grinning and shaking his head.
They walk down to the set and Tom introduced her to some of the other actors.
Sarah loved the mood and the feeling on the set and she looked around, taking in everything like an excited kid, to Toms amusement.
"Which kind of scenes are you doing today ?" Sarah leaned close to Tom, whispering in his ear, they were sitting on a wooden box next to each other watching a scene he wasn't in getting shot.
He leaned down towards her, so he could answer without disturbing the actors on set, she could feel his hot breath on her neck. "A big action scene, where a lot of people gets hurt".
She glanced at him and he winked at her grinning childishly. "Tom that doesn't sound like something to be happy about".
"Okay maybe not, but I love doing action scenes and I get to look kind of cool, I don't do that to often". He whispered.
Before she could answer the director cleared his throat really loud and said. "If Mr Hiddleston is done flirting with his assistant, then maybe we could get the next scene done".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now