"I was hoping for hot or insanely sexy"

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The door of the trailer opened and Tom jumped down the stair, stopping in front of her. "So what is the judgement ? Do I look acceptable ?"
"No shaved head I see". She said grinning, she got up and got a good look at him.
They hadn't done much, his hair had been trimmed a bit, but they had kept it longer on top, so it was slightly curly at the ends, but the goatee was gone, and he was left with stylish stubbles, to be honest he looked beyond handsome.
"But yes you do look acceptable, the internet is going to freak when it comes out that you are the new doctor". She said.
He looked at her with a hurt expression. "Seriously just acceptable ? I was hoping for hot or insanely sexy".
Sarah felt her face go red and burning and she didn't know what to say, but then he started laughing. "Relax darling, I was just kidding".
"But actually I think the internet will be disappointed, I think it preferred Ben as the new doctor". He said with a wink.
She shook her head, saying with a smirk. "Don't sell yourself short Tom, I think it at least a 50/50 between you and Ben".
"I am going to pick up my manuscript for the first episode now, and then I am going back to the hotel to read on my scenes for tomorrow, so you are of duty, a short day today, but from tomorrow it is going to be hard work". He said.
She smiled at him. "Hard work is fine by me, it will be nice to have something to do".
They walked together to the parking lot after he got his manuscript. "Well I think we are going to get along splendidly, see you tomorrow Sarah".
"Me to Tom, see you". She smiled at him and walked towards her little car, when she got in, she looked back at him and saw he was watching her with a thoughtful look on his face.
She waved and he waved back and hurried to his own car, she shook her head and started her trip home.
She put her phone on speaker and called Hayley as she had promised, she didn't want to talk about Tom at home in front of Jerry, he would just misunderstand everything.
Hayley picked up almost right away, like she had waited for her to call. "Hi Sarah, are you of already ?"
"Yeah only had a short day today, he was just in to get his hair fixed and pick up his script, we start shooting tomorrow". Sarah answered.
"Okay, tell me everything Sarah, how is he ? Is he really that gorgeous up close to ? Tell". Hayleys voice got a bit pitchy.
Sarah giggled. "Well he is sweet and funny and not snobbish at all, I think he is going to be easy to work with".
"Oh that is all very good, but the important thing is, do he look as good in real life as he does on pictures ?" Hayley had some odd priorities sometimes.
"Well he is kind of tall, and he smiles a lot and his new hair suits him very well and ...". Sarah for some reason felt herself blush.
Hayley sighed and cut her of. "Drop the crap Sarah, Jerry can't hear you and there is nothing wrong in looking or thinking someone are good looking, so I ask again, is he gorgeous ?"
"Okay Hayley, yes he is insanely handsome, I started the morning by walking into what I thought was an empty trailer, not knowing it was him and then he was shirtless". The memory made her heart beat a bit faster.
"What I wouldn't give to have your job, I would accidentally walk in every time he was changing". Hayley said dreamily.
Sarah giggled. "Oh I believe that, but seriously I didn't even recognise him at first, my brain couldn't really comprehend it I think".
"I hope you can introduce me some day, to bad he got engaged, but maybe he got some cute single friends". Hayley said.
"He is engaged ?" Sarah didn't know why she felt dissapointed, she hadn't known he had gotten engaged, he hadn't mentioned it, but on the other hand, why should he ?
Hayley sighed. "For someone who wants to work in the business you are really not keeping yourself updated, he got engaged to what's her face like 6 months ago".
"Okay crazy, no I actually didn't know, but well that's good for him if that makes him happy". She said, it would probably make Jerry happy that she worked for an engaged man.
She turned up in front of the house. "I am home now Hayley, so I better get going, but talk to you soon".
"Yeah text or ring me if there is anything new or exciting to tell or gossip from your work, with my boring life I have to live through you, bye". Hayley hang up and Sarah got out of the car.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now