"I do get an inkling that there is something you want to ask"

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Next morning, after Tom had left for the studio, Sarah called Hayley, it was the first time she had called since the day she arrived, they had texted but only short ones.
"Hi Sarah, it is soo good to hear from you, it has been a long time". Hayleys voice sounded on the other end of the line.
Sarah sighed, it was so nice hearing her friends voice. "Hi Hayley, how are things going back in old Scotland ?"
"Oh fine thank you, but a bit boring, especially with you gone, but more important, how are my two favourite love birds ?" Hayley sounded excited.
"To be honest, I don't think this is going to work Hayley". Sarah could feel the tears were close to falling.
He heard Hayley gasp in surprise. "But what is happening sweetie ? You two were so perfect together".
"I just feel so demanding and ungrateful, but he just spends so much time on so many other things, like yesterday, he was watching some tennis tournament with his friends from around lunch time to 3 am, only stopping to get dinner". She said.
Hayley sounded worried. "And was it a one time thing or is it normal behaviour ?"
"Well it happens 2-3 times a week, either tennis games, going out or something else, and he is on set 2 days a week, and of top of that he got interviews, podcasts and his work with unicef". She answered.
"So when do you see him ? I know I said you couldn't expect it to be like here, but if you never see him, what kind of relationship is that ?" Hayley sounded so sad for Sarah.
Sarah bit her lip. "He really tries, he just has so much, he brings me when he can and he is always sweet and caring when we are together, it just feel like he already had a full life and he can't fit me into it no matter how hard he tries".
"I definitely get what you mean Sarah, he seems to have a lot going on, but you would think he maybe didn't need to spend the entire day with his friends so often". Hayley said.
Sarah answered a bit hesitant. "Maybe, but that is a part of him and those sides of him is also something I love, it just gets a bit out of hand sometimes".
"But have you tried talking to him about it ? Maybe he is willing to change, maybe he doesn't realise". Hayley asked.
Sarah shook her head an said. "I can't Hayley, I think this is the real reason hi ex fiancee left him, I think she expected him to change, maybe even tried to force him to change and left when he didn't".
"But Sarah, if you don't tell him and just leave him without giving him an explanation, you don't give him a chance either, and then you are doing the same as her or even worse". Hayley said thoughtfully.
"Oh if I just knew what to do Hayley, because I love him, I really do, and he is so amazing when he is here". Sarah blew her nose.
Hayley tried to sound optimistic. "I really hope you work it out, you two are so good together".
"Uhh I miss you Hayley, miss talking to you for real, can't you just come down to London for a visit ?" Sarah said only half joking.
Hayley sounded thoughtful. "It could be kind of cool, I always wanted to see London, it sounds like an interesting place".
"Please Hayley, come down her a week, you can stay here and I will gladly pay some of your ticket if you need it". Sarah felt elated at the idea.
Hayley giggled. "You better talk to your man about it first, I try looking into money and getting of work okay ?"
"Great, I ask him when he gets home, but I can't imagine he should have any problem with it". She said happily and ended the call.
When Tom walked through the door many hours later, Sarah almost threw herself around his neck. "Hi sweetie, I am so happy that you are home".
He chuckled and swung her around before kissing her. "Well what a welcome, and I missed you to my love, however I do get an inkling that there is something you want to ask".
"Uh was it that obvious ?" She blushed, hoping he didn't think she was just after something, she really was happy to have him home.
He smiled, gently pushing a strain of hair from her face. "Just a tiny bit, so tell me, what is it that you desire ?"
"I was talking to Hayley earlier, can she come out her and stay for a week ? If she can get of work and find the money for the ticket ?" She looked at him pleading.
"Of course she can Sarah, you don't even have to ask, your friends are always welcome for as long as they would like, and tell her to not worry about the money, I will be happy to get the ticket for her". He answered.
She put her arms around his neck. "And that is one of the many reasons that I love you so much".
"I love you to my beautiful". He said, sweeping her up into his arms, kissing her and carrying her to the bedroom.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now