"Or you marry him and stay forever, have a bunch of beautiful kids"

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Time went by fast, Sarah worked and most of her free time she spent with Tom, so they spent almost every hour of every day together.
She took care of everything needed before leaving and she got a three month leave from work, after that she had to come back or resign.
She packed up her clothes and some small personal things, everything else she had stored with Hayley, and she was just over there making sure she had everything she needed to bring with her.
"Guess I have everything, thank you so much for having my stuff Hayley". She smiled at her friend.
Hayley closed the garage door. "No problem sweetie, just tell me when and where to send it when you need it".
"Ha ha Hayley, chilax , I only have a three months leave, so in three months I be back no matter what". Sarah said.
"Or you marry him and stay forever, have a bunch of beautiful kids". Hayley said winking.
Sarah shook her head and looked almost looked like she could cry. "You can't even say that as a joke Hayley".
"Would it really be such a bad thing, you do love him, don't you ?" They went into the kitchen.
Sarah sat down at the table and looked at Hayley making tea. "I am just not ready to think about things like that, even though I do love him".
"Is it still his engagement and past relationships casting a shadow ?" Hayley said coming over with a cup of tea for both of them.
"It is me to, I have just been engaged, I thought Jerry and me were forever, I want to be completely sure before I throw myself into something serious again". She said.
She went on. "But yes I can't help thinking about that just one year ago he loved someone else enough to want to marry her".
Hayley looked at her and asked. "But do you know what went wrong between them, why she broke it off ?"
"I asked him, he said they didn't want the same things and werent in the same place in life, but I feel like there is more to it, I just didn't want to push him". She took a sip of her tea.
"But what then ? Are you just going to leave him after three months ?" Hayley were looking at her curiously.
Sarah put her cup down. "I don't really know, first we have to see if we can live together, if it works with his busy lifestyle, there is so much I don't know about him yet".
"Well you probably can't expect him to have the same amount of time for you as here, but I am sure he is going to do his very best". Hayley said diplomaticly.
"I am totally sure he will, the question is if that is enough in the long run". Sarah feared everything would change once in London.
Hayley shrugged. "You can't predict everything Sarah, it is a good thing you are trying to protect yourself, but please don't push him away in the process okay ?"
"I will do my best, but I hope he has some patience with me, I need to adjust". She said.
"What do you know about where he lives ? What kind of house do he have ?" Hayley asked curiously.
Sarah took i big sip of her cup. "Not so much, he lives in a suburb and from what he says he has a pretty normal house, not some fancy mansion".
They were talking for about halv an hour more, then Sarah got up. "Well I better get going, we have an early flight tomorrow".
"Tell him hallo from me Sarah and keep me updated right ? Have an amazing trip and remember to enjoy life okay ?" Hayley got up and walked her out.
Sarah hugged her best friend. "I will Hayley, take good care okay, I am going to miss you".
She put har suitcase in the trunk of the car, waved at Hayley, got in the car and drove back to the hotel.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now