"I don't really know if that would be professional of me Sarah"

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It was one week later and Sarah came into the trailor with Toms lunch, he was reading his script for the next episode, he had just gotten it the same morning.
She put the food on the table, not wanting to disturb him, but she watched him, knowing that he wouldn't notice.
His hair was ruffled, from running his hand through it and he had his glasses on, his beautiful eyes concentrated, he was biting his thumb and crunching up his forehead as he read.
She cleared his throat discreetly and he looked up. "Your food is ready, I thought you might want it before it got cold".
"Thank you Sarah, I didn't hear you come back, I was a bit caught up in this, it is really exciting". He smiled and put down the manuscript.
She couldn't help asking. "Something good happening in it ? If you are allowed to tell me".
"I don't really know if that would be professional of me Sarah". He said eyeing her.
"Oh that's okay, sorry I asked". She bit her lip, he was right of course, but why then did she felt she was on the verge of crying ?
He was on his feet in a flash, pulling her into his arms. "I am so sorry Sarah, sorry, that was a stupid thing to say, I didn't mean that, can you forgive me ?"
She knew she ought to push him away, she should keep a distance, but she couldn't, instead she melted into his arms nodding. The feeling of his arms around her, the warmth from his body and the now well know scent of him, made her feel safe and secure.
He gently brushed the hair from her face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "That wasn't okay, I do understand your wish to hold our relationship professional".
"It is okay Tom, I just didn't want anyone to misunderstand and think we were more than colleagues and friends ?" The last was put as a question and she looked up at him.
He let her go and sent her a sweet smile, then answered. "Yes of course we are friends Sarah".
"So now were we are friends, can you please tell me about the script ?" She looked at him with wide eyes.
He chewed on his bottom lip and en answered with a grin. "Oh what the hell, who can say no to that adorable face".
She smiled at him sweetly. "But eat your food first, before it gets cold, then you can tell me all about it".
"Okay okay mother". He rolled his eyes and sat down, digging into his food and she stuck her tongue out.
She looked at him and he laughed. "Oh yeah the script, well I get to be a real hero for once and save someones life".
"Sounds exciting, I can't wait to see this, and you make a great hero". She klapped her hands happily.
"Oh so you think that do you ? Maybe I am a much better villain, at least that is what I mostly play, I never really played the hero before". He raised one eyebrow.
Sarah shook her head. "Rubbish, Pine was most definitely a hero, he might have had to do bad things on the way, but he was very brave and heroic and you are way to good looking to always play the bad guy".
"So you think Pine was brave and heroic at least some of the time ?" He sent her a lopsided smile.
"Of course, especially since he weren't a trained agent, he just kind of followed his heart, doing the right thing". She said with certainty.
He put the last french fries in his mouth. "I really like that description of him, so thank you and what was that other thing, did you just call me good looking ?"
She slapped his shoulder. "Uhh like you don't know that you are, no reason to rub it in okay ?"
"Ouch you hit me". He cradled his shoulder, like it had really hurt and she shook her head.
"And you need to get going, I think they are waiting for you on set and we don't want you to get in trouble". She walked over, opening the door to him.
He walked out, sending her a cheeky grin. "Oh yeah, we don't want them to think that we do something else in here than having our brake".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now