"See I told you so, total and instant ovarie destruction right there"

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"Seriously you two, couldn't you at least pick up your clothes before continuing in the bedroom ?" It was the next morning and Hayley winked at Sarah across the kitchen table.
Sarah blushed. "Whoops I guess we forgot, I think we might have been otherwise occupied right then".
"Just remind me not to sit on the couch, thank you". Hayley pulled a face and took a bite of her toast.
Tom didn't say anything, he was just sitting there sporting a silly grin, looking at Sarah, whom somewhat felt like kicking him under the table, not really knowing why.
"Ready to get going ?" Tom stuck his head into the bedroom, Sarah was just getting dressed after a quick shower.
She looked up at him, she had put on her skinny jeans and a white knitted sweater. "Yup all ready to go".
He walked over to her slowly, kissing her so softly. "You look so unbelievable beautiful today and I love you so very very much".
"I love you to sweetie". She couldn't help but smiling at him, he was so cute when he got all serious and romantic.
"Are you coming ?" Hayley called from the living room and the hurried to join her, she was wearing jeans that looked like they were painted on, and a low cut sweater.
Sarah put on a pair of white lace ballet flats and grabbed her bag. "Well I am ready".
They got into the car, Hayley squeezed in behind Sarah on the back seat, because Tom had his seat pushed all the way back to accommodate those long legs.
Sarah was skipping along with Toms hand in hers, after parking the car, she had never seen all the famous sights in London before and she felt like a happy child.
"Someone is in a great mood, looking forward to this are we ?" Tom smiled at her, and she smiled back nodding happily.
Tom was right though, he had a hard time going unnoticed in The middle of London, they  hadn't taken many steps down Oxford street before a kid was pulling his mothers arm yelling. "Look mommy, Loki".
And then they were surrounded by kids and adults, all wanting pictures and autographs, Sarah and Hayley stepped bag, leaving it to Tom.
Hayley nudged Sarah with her elbow. "Well look at him, he is so great with kids".
"Yeah, he is going to be such a great father some day, and don't go getting ideas now". Sarah glared at her, but the sight of him with the kids melted her heart.
"Just admit it, that sight makes your ovaries explode just a bit". Hayley made a motion with her head while whispering.
Tom was squatting down next to a little girl with an oxygen tube in her nose, he kissed the little girl on the cheek very gently, and the girl lighted up, Sarah released an non-voluntary. "Owww".
"See I told you so, total and instant ovarie destruction right there". Hayley said grinning".
Tom came over, smiling apologetically at them. "I am sorry, It took quite some time".
"Tom that is more than okay, even though I started to fear that the sweet little girl would actually steal you away". Sarah smiled and put her hand on his arm.
"Wasn't she just amazing, she is 6 years old and has leukemia in the final stage". He sighed and looked quite sad.
Sarah gently stroked his cheek. "And you know what sweetie ? You just made her day extra special".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now