"Because else I would have thrown up on you"

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"Nervous ?" They had just taken their first class seat on the plane taking them to London, Tom took her hand and looked at her.
She smiled at him. "Just a tiny bit, I have never been so far away before and London seems like a whole other world".
"Don't worry love, you are going to love it London is an exciting town sometimes fast and a bit superficial, but there is always something happening". He said smiling.
"Is it true there are paps everywhere ? And that you can't go outside a door without getting spotted ?" She was a bit afraid how it would be to be dating him there.
He bit his lip looking thoughtful. "I am going to say both yes and no it can be hard to conceal things, but on the other hand people on the streets are more used to seeing celebrities and often they don't really care".
She hoped that he was right, she wouldn't like being judged all the time, never being allowed to be totally relaxed.
"Are you okay sweetie ? You look a little pale ?" She looked at Tom, they had just taken of and there was quite a bit of turbulence.
He looked at her, he was looking a bit pathetic. "I am not really good with turbulence, I have a bit of a tendency to get air sick".
"Oh your poor thing, do you want me to distract you for a bit ?" She grabbed his collar and pulled him down to her kissing him.
She didn't let go of him before they were at full flying hight and the plane was flying smooth and steady, he smiled looking relieved. "It actually worked, lucky for you, because else I would have thrown up on you".
"Eww well thanks for telling me". She said grinning, resting her head against his shoulder.
The trip went smoothly and before Sarah was completely ready they were on the ground in Heathrow.
"Are you ready ? I don't know if there will be any paps outsides, but I think we should expect it and that they want to rip up in the whole Jerry thing". He looked at her worrying.
She smiled a bit tense, having checked her hair and make-up before leaving the plane, not that she cared, but she knew everyone would be judging her. "It will be okay".
He put their bags and suitcases in a baggage wagon and greb her hand, pulling her with her into the arrival area.
Tom had made sure there were a car waiting for them and the chauffeur waited for them in the arrival area, taking their baggage and bringing it to the car.
They walked out through the door together and into the cool afternoon, Sarah had tried to prepare herself, but she still got quite a shock, there were black with people outside.
Tom seenmed a bit overwhelmed too. "Wow, this is a lot more than I am used to, there might be some big star coming in or something like that".
Sarah shook her head, it was really sweet how naive he could sometimes be, the whole Jerry story had really upped the buzz around him and she hoped it would boost his carer to go even further.
"Welcome back Tom, is it good to be home in London ?" Some one asked him, at least sounding friendly.
Tom smiled and tried to look at the person asking. "Thank you very much, and yes always good to get home".
"Welcome to London Sarah, are you two moving in together or is this just a short visit ?" Someone yelled.
Sarah had expected the question, but she still blushed. "Well thank you, I am happy to be here and for now it is for three months, then we will have to see if I need to look for a new job here".
Tom lighted up in the biggest smile, when she mentioned the possibility of staying past three months.
"So are we to expect another secret head over heels engagement from you Tom ?" Someone yelled from behind.
Sarah felt Tom getting tense, she squeezed his hand and allowed herself to answer for him. "No we have no plans of that".
He smiled at her thankfully and then said. "And know if you will excuse us we would like to go home to relax just a bit".
He pulled her with him through the mass of people, they did part to let them pass, a couple yelling more questions at them, but they choosed to ignore this, getting into the waiting car.

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now