"I am so sorry Tom"

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Sarah had ignored all calls and messenges from Tom, she didn't want to lie to him and she knew, that if she heard his voice, she would break totally down, so she didn't see any other way.
Hayley and Sarah didn't talk the entire next day, Hayley thought that Sarah were handling this all wrong, but she couldn't go against her wishes either.
Around midnight Hayley was sitting alone in the living-room, watching tv, Sarah were in her room, then Hayleys phone rang and she saw it was Tom calling.
She pondered whether to ignore it like Sarah had told her to, but she knew he had to be in panic by now, with Sarah totally ignoring all contact for two whole days by now, so she picked it up. "Hayley speaking".
"Oh thank God Hayley, I can't reach Sarah I haven't heard a word since she arrived. What is happening ?" He was totally out of it and he clearly had been crying from the rawness of his voice.
Hayley cursed Sarahs stubbornness to hell. "Uh well, I think she is asleep now, she is okay honey, she has just had a lot on her mind".
"You can tell me the truth Hayley, she ain't coming back is she ?" His voice were breaking apart.
Okay enough was enough, he was sitting here crying his heart out, thinking that she was leaving him, she couldn't let Sarah do this to him, then Sarah would just have to hate her forever if that was what was needed, she couldn't stand by watching any longer.
"Tom listen, this really isn't for me to tell you, but I can't make Sarah see reason, she is convinced she is doing the right thing". Hayley said.
He sniffled. "The right thing by ignoring me ? I don't understand Hayley, what is going on ?"
"I sure hope you are sitting down, and I am so sorry that I am the one to tell you Tom, but Sarah is pregnant". Hayley held her breath, waiting for his reaction.
The sound coming from him was something between a gasp and a sob. "Pregnant ? I .. I am going to be a father ? But why haven't she called ?"
Hayley sighed and wished with all her heart that she didn't have to be the one to break this to him. "She is convinced that you don't want kids now, she has an appointment for an abortion tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock, I am so sorry Tom".
"I am on my way Hayley, please make her wait for me to get there". He ended the call and Hayley were staring at the phone, had she done the right thing ? And could he possibly get there in time ?
Half an hour later she got a text from Tom > There are no planes before tomorrow, so I am driving, just left London, send me the address for the clinic and I drive directly there <
Hayley looked at her watch, the drive from London were normally 7,5 hours in light traffic, he had a little more than 6 hours to get there, that was close to impossible.
She send him the address and went to bed, there were nothing else she could do at 1 am, but she really hoped that Tom would get there against all odds.
In the morning she got up early, Sarah was already up, she looked like she hadn't slept at all.
"Sarah are you sure about this ? You can still change your mind or call Tom". Hayley didn't dare tell that she had talked to him or that he was on his way there.
Sarah shook her head. "I don't want to talk anymore about it Hayley, but I would like it if you would come with me".
"Of course Sarah, I am there for you no matter what, even if I am not agreeing with what you are doing". She answered.
They drove to the clinic, Sarah didn't say anything on the way and Hayley were slowly going crazy, were was Tom ? Time was running out.
They walked into the clinic, Sarah were looking at the white walls and sighed, Hayley couldn't come with her inside, she would have to stay in the waiting area.
She missed Tom right now so much it was a physical pain, oh she wished he was there with her, she needed him.
When the clock struck 7.45 am Tom came running through the door, he had driven like a mad man all night to get there in time. "Where is she Hayley ?"
Hayley looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "I am so sorry Tom, they had a cancellation, she got in ten minutes ago, it is to late".

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now