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I looked at myself in the mirror. From the front, then from the side. I had really popped out in the last couple week.

"How are my two beautiful ladies?" Logan asked fixing his tie. He was getting ready for work.

"I'm good and she's been kicking up a storm. It's been getting harder to sleep comfortably." I said turning to help him fix his tie.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what? Not your fault." I responded

"Well..." He said with a smile.

"Takes two to tango Huntzberger." I said with a light slap on his chest.

"Funny, since that night included a Tango club." He responded with a chuckle.

"Go to work Huntzberger." I said laughing.

"I just have to finish getting ready." He said walking into the bathroom. "So what are your plans for the day?"

"Well I'm going to meet up with mom to finish the registry of the shower and get lunch and then finish my piece for Conde Nast and I might work a little bit more on my book." I said wiggling into a pair of stretch jeans.

"So it sounds like a packed day." He said emerging again from the bathroom. "How about we go out for dinner tonight?"

"Sounds great." I said.

"Okay I have a car pick us up at eight. Any requests?" He asked.

"No. Surprise me." I said.

He gave me a quick kiss and then headed out the door. After getting ready for my afternoon out with mom I sat down and worked on my latest spec piece for Conde Nast while I waited for here to show up.


"What the hell is this?" Mom said pointing at something random in Babies "R" Us.

"Um. I'm not exactly sure." I said scanning another item.

"Man kid! I didn't use most of the stuff in this store and you turned out just fine. You were brilliant! you went to Chilton and then graduated from Yale." She said following me through the store. "Any really who need's all these different kinds of bottles?" She said stopping and pointing at all the different brands of baby bottles on the wall.

"Options aren't always such a bad thing." I responded

"Hi there! Finding everything alright." A sales associate asked.

"Yes. Thank you." I said to her.

"Okay just let me know if you need any help." She said with a smile and walked away.

"Okay so I got the majority of the registry done last time I was in. So we're just her to make some final additions that I had to discuss with Logan." I said handing her the original list.

"Oh...oh...You actually registered for a wipe warmer?! Come on." She said laughing.

"I'm walking away now." I said moving away from her.

For the next hour she continued to make jokes about items that she saw in the store as we walked passed. I added a mamaroo swing, portable crib, high chair, some baby clothes, and a couple other items to the registry. Then we headed to the furniture section of the store located in the back center.

"Now what?" Mom said as we stood in the middle of the different nursery layouts.

"Mom. I told you that you didn't have to come. You said you wanted to. So can you please turn your attitude around or else I'm just going to ask you to leave and I'll finish by myself." I said snapping at her.

"I'm sorry. Luke just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and put a kink into my whole day." She said apologetically.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Nah. I'll stop with the snooty attitude though." She said with a small smile.

"Okay...So the last thing we have to do is pick out and purchase the nursery furniture." I said.

"Okay then. Well...I guess the first thing is, is to choose a color." She responded.

"Well. We talked about it and decided we wanted to go with the espresso color because it won't show damage as quickly." I said looking around me at all the options.

"Espresso...mmm. Let's grab coffee after this okay?" Mom asked.

"Okay. Let's get started." Then I started the process of picking out our baby furniture.


We picked out a well made four in one DaVinci espresso colored crib. Along with a six drawer dresser and changing table. Then we chose a light gray glider and ottoman for the nursery as well before checking out. The cashier informed us that everything except the chair and ottoman would be delivered in two weeks because they were in stock. The two other items would be delivered the following week.

Once we were finished at the store we stopped by a Starbucks and then headed for lunch. We ended up at a little whole in the wall Chinese restaurant.

"Ello." A little old Chinese woman said greeting us as we walked in.

"Hi there. Just two." I said. The little shop was fairly empty so that was nice. She grabbed two menus and then walked us to a table in the middle of the dining room and motioned for us to sit before setting our menus in front of us and then walked off to get us two glasses of water.

"Her English must not be so good." Mom said leaning in.

"Guess not. But hopefully that mean the food is." I said looking down at the menu. "A variety?"

"Yes. I'm starving." She replied. "Well that went well I think."

"Yeah. I'm glad it's off my plate." I said.

"And a quick delivery." She continued.

"Yeah I was kind of surprised how soon they said they could get it to us." I responded. "Now what are we going to do?"

"Mmm. I was thinking kung pow chicken, cashew chicken, broccoli beef, pork dumplings, fried rice and chow mien." She said rattling off a list of menu items.

"Good variety." I said shaking my head up and down in agreement. "What about orange chicken to?"

"Oh. Can't forget about orange chicken." She said with a faked shocked face over the fact the she almost left it out. Then the same little old lady came back, took our order and then took it to the kitchen.

"So how are the shower plans coming?" I asked sipping my water.

"Good. But I'm not telling you anything." She said narrowing her eyes at me.

"What? I just thought I'd ask." I replied.

"Mm hmm." She said taking a drink. "But I will say that Honor is something."

"Yeah...she is. But she's sweet, the nicest one and she means well." I said.

"Yeah. I can tell that she's better than the others. But..." She started.

"But?" I asked.

"Still a Huntzberger." She finished.

"Yeah...but not as bad." I said.

"Yeah." She said smiling. "She has some good ideas. None that I can tell you about, but good ideas."

"I figured." I said.

Before we knew it our table and the one next to us was covered in large platters and we had two regular plates in front of us. 

"Well it good thing this place is dead." I said looking at all the food.

"Looks like no one has to make dinner tonight." Mom said laughing while scooping food onto her plate.

"Yeah. Apparently not." I said and then started spooning food onto my plate as well.

True Love And Coffee (A Gilmore Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now