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"Great, out of all the places you had to choose, it had to be this one; but as long as I'm with you, I'll be happy" I tell him as we lay down in the grass and snuggle up to each other, his arm is wrapped around my shoulder as he pulls me in and embraces me with his big, warm arms.

"Ha okay, that right there is something I wish I could say I'm doing" I say through a sigh "but nope, I'm here, sitting my lazy furry ass down on this chair as I try to write a story. I get easily distracted while writing about my perfect love life; we'd frolic through the flowers, he'd give me sweet and gentle kisses on the cheek, and we would hold paws as we walk through the streets" I tell myself as I stare into the computer, looking at the words that'll never come true.

Right at the moment when I was about to doze off again my phone dings with a message. I look and see it's just a notification from furbook that someone is telling me happy birthday. "Why do they even wish me a happy birthday if they don't even know me!?" I ask myself while balling my paw up into a fist. "Whatever, tomorrow is gonna be another day of hell, school; fuck, they are synonyms of each other". Being a senior is a breeze and all, but it just gets monotonous fast; I mean I already know basically everything the teachers are saying, it's just, boring as hell sitting in class with nothing to do except listen to the teacher drone on and on. Shit, I need to stop talking to myself in my head, it's getting kind of creepy. I turn my computer off and spin around in my chair, before getting up and immediately falling face first onto my bed. Yeah I talk to myself, but I only do it 'cause I have no one to ever talk to since mom and dad are always working out of the country, leaving me alone in our giant, lonely house.

Though I do like to speak my mind, that's why I usually got picked on at school; but that stopped months ago. Also, I did just learn that there's gonna be some new student from this fancy pants place known as England, so that might be interesting tomorrow. The announcement on the school's website I saw begged all the students to be kind and welcoming; and that's no problem for me, I think I am a pleasant fur to be around. My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I reach out, grab and unlock it, before reading the headline 'Bigot Father Blamed for Gay School Shooter's Motive'

I click on the article and slowly read about the shooting that happened in the next town over. Ryan, 17, openly gay, his father didn't agree with his sexuality and often threatened to kick him out of the house because of it.

"So the kids' name was Ryan? Dang, that sucks. He seems like he had a pretty good life, except that his dad didn't like his sons' sexuality, and threatened to kick him out. It looks like Ryan had plenty of friends, was popular at school, and always even tempered; I wonder what happened at home to make him do this?" I let out a sigh as I turn my phone off and place it screen down on the nightstand, making the room go completely dark.

I turn onto my side and look out the open window. "Well tomorrow is gonna be another day of school, meaning just another day of near absolute solitude. I'm nobody, I blend in with the crowd of furs, nobody even notices me; I hardly exist to anybody at school. I mean hell, my name was called out during bio and I don't think half the kids in my class knew who I was. And there are only 30 kids in a class!" I grumble to myself. It's getting late, I should get some sleep.

As the night goes by and I lie awake in my bed, I begin to get this memory of a friend I used to know. Like I can't put my finger on who it was, but I remember his face so vividly that if I could draw, I could make a portrait of him. I shake my head to clear my thoughts before falling asleep minutes later.

Morning quickly comes and I start to groan as I get out of bed. "Ugh!!" I trudge over to the bathroom to take a quick shower, so I can have a good breakfast instead of having to run to school starving. I walk out of the shower nude, since no one is ever home I don't need to wear clothes around the house, so I walk to the kitchen, letting the air dry my fur out as I open the fridge, and start shivering from the cool air.

"For fucks sake" I yell when I see the fridge mostly empty. "Okay so that's on my list, stock the fridge and cabinets with food" I look all over the kitchen and only see an orange sitting in the fruit basket, so I grab that and run upstairs to get some clothes on, before running out the door.

I make it to school with about 12 minutes to spare, so from there I go to my locker, and me being the luckiest dog in this world I am, I was paired up with the most annoying fur in the senior year for my locker mate. I just ignore all the others and I go get my notebooks and binders that I need for fourth period. I usually never talk to anyone other than when we have to work in partners or in groups, but even then I rarely do talk, they must think I'm a mute or something.

I'm just glad that the talk about me being gay stopped; well the gossip is never gonna stop, but at least it'll die out and by the time I graduate. Then I'll never ever have to deal with any of the furs I can't stand anymore. But I'm gonna have to hold onto that thought as the bell rang, that means I have to walk all the way to the fourth floor, then to the opposite side of the school, great.

"Ahh you made it on time, Mr. Lowe" The teacher says to me as I walk through the door right as the clock hits 7:30. Forgot to say my school is kind of strict on attendance, but I've learned to deal with it. As I'm making my way to my desk, I see some fur I haven't seen before sitting in my chair, slumped forwards with his paws clasped together.

I stand beside him, looking down as he slowly looks up at me with an awkward smile. "OH! Is this your seat?" the fur asks me with his nice and soothing voice. I don't speak so I just nod my head up and down to answer his question so I can sit down in my seat. "Sorry about that dude, who do I talk to about getting a seat?" He asks me, and at that point I was getting annoyed so I just roll my eyes and point to the teacher; like lets all get serious here, who just sits in someone else's seat when you are new to school.

I just put my head down on the table while class starts, but that's when I remembered that right next to me was an empty seat, and I scanned the room real quickly to see if anyone else sits next to an empty seat. But nope, the only empty seat in the class is next to me, which means he is going to sit next to me. I start banging my head on the desk slowly as he sits next to me; I don't want to deal with anybody today.

"So I guess it's gonna be me and you buddy?" He nudges my shoulder. I look up and read what the teacher is writing on the board, and it says partner up with the fur next to you.

I groan and rub my face with my paws. "Yea this project is gonna be the best ever, if you even know what we're working on?" I respond to his question sarcastically, but I immediately feel guilty because I don't know him at all, and I can't just treat him like the others.

"I'm sorry for what I just said, I haven't been myself lately" I quickly say before he can say anything.

He sits there looking at me kind of confused. "Uh okay? The name is Gavin, what's yours?" He asks all calmly as he smiles

"It's Felix"

I don't even know if this is good or not lol. Just tell me if it's decent or something, I know it may seem cliche but oh well I'll try not to

zyxowlGo read a very underrated story called The Kings Collie! I've heard many good things!

Check this one also! Called Anthro 2255 by WritingRainy

Give this struggling author a visit, maybe you'd like his things kenneth-mcgrew

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