The Last Bonus

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Blinding rays shine in between the blinds, beaming down into my eyes. I give my eyes a light rub then slowly sit up, groaning while holding my stitched side because of how sore it still is until I get out of bed and open up the rest of the blinds. I look out the window and smile as the morning sunlight brightens the entire room up. I turned around and noticed Ian's emerald green eyes staring at me. "Oh! Uh morning Ian... Last night was quite fun" I try to give him a bright smile, but he just dismisses it with a groan. "I'm gonna make breakfast soon, I'll call you down when it's ready" I say while grabbing my phone off the table; I know that I have a lot of work to do to gain his trust once again.

I have a few unread messages, and wonder who it could be until I come to the realization that it's Kyle's number, and I don't even dare read what he wrote so I just delete them as fast as I can. I go downstairs to the kitchen to start making eggs and bacon, when Ian comes down "Uhm Ian?" I say while cracking two eggs into the pan "Kyle sent me a message and I was thinking of going to see him to solve the issues so we can both move on with our lives because I want you in my life not him" I look up at him and try to make eye contact, but he looks down at his phone with a sigh.

"Go ahead, it's not like I am going to stop you or anything, he deserves answers as well because from what I saw he was quite a good fur who did not need your bullshit. Like how the fuck are you gonna cheat on someone who gives you whatever you want" Ian takes in a deep breath to calm himself down. "Sorry... I lost my temper I just... I" Ian growled under his breath as he gets up to bring me into a tight hug from behind.

I wince from the pain when he wraps an arm around my waist, but I take the pain, wanting to feel Ian's warmth. I break the hug by giving his nose a kiss like I always did back in the old days. "Alright sit down and eat, I'm gonna take my breakfast to go and I will try to make it back home... I mean I uh, I will try to come back to your home as fast as I can" I say a bit nervously not even knowing if I am able to call this place my home anymore.

"This place will always be your home James... You kept this place in order and when the incident happened, I did not touch your things, I left them all in the exact place you left them"

I try not to cry again knowing Ian missed me a lot, and that I am his one and he is mine by just the sheer care he actually shows towards me. He treated all the others before me somewhat shitty, but once I came into his life he protected me or tried to when he can. Furs can change a lot when that true spark of love has entered their body and I messed up hard with Ian because he deserves my truest self.

I fill a container with the food then rush out of the house and to my car, before driving towards Kyle's Condo in the city. I give the car to the valet, who has already known me for quite a while now. I walk to the elevator and click his floor button. I take in a deep breath once I'm on his floor and take out my keys to remove his key that I forgot I still had, so I start to knock on his door.

"Hey Kyle, it's me! James! I want to talk about us and the things I have done" I hear a few steps come towards the door and see his shadow cross under the door, but he backs away, even though I know he is tempted to not let me in. "If you don't want to ever see me again that's fair, I just came by to give your keys back that I forgot to leave, and I think I left a few more things here. But it's whatever if you wanna keep it as some memory then, it's up to you" I wait to see if he is going to open the door or not and still no answer. "Okay Kyle... May we meet again in another lifetime or something" I carefully bend over and slip the key under the door before I head back to the elevator.

"James... Come back" I hear him barely whispered out from under his breath. I turn around hesitant to what I am going to look him in the eye, but I still go ahead and open the unlocked door to the safe place that I once called home.

I am welcomed by the smell of many odors. I look around the house and see the many greasy takeout containers from restaurants we loved going to, along with other places he adored going to as well. I walk towards the living room to see Kyle slumped on the couch with stains splattering his shirt, the television playing one of those drama shows, His fur is so disheveled with stains on his chest, and a large matted spot under his neck. "Oh Kyle... I'm sorry I left you like this, I would have thought you would have been better off without me" I put my paw on his lap, but he pushes it away.

"Don't even touch me anymore James. Say the things you want to tell me so that you can move on with your fucking life; and by the looks of it you and Ian somehow made up or something because I smell his scent on you" Kyle keeps looking at the show, not wanting to make eye contact at all until I turn his head to face me. "I broke you Kyle, and you don't deserve to suffer like this because the one who really should be paying the biggest price is me. I hurt two men that I loved dearly" I say while clearing a few of his tears away with my paw. "Ian doesn't trust me, we barely talk to each other, and lastly I feel like a stranger to him again, as if I never ever knew him. I left you here to eat your whole heart out while watching shows and grasping onto my picture wishing that I never did the things I did" I grab the picture of me that was on the table.

Before I could even say anymore Kyle goes for a kiss, but I break it extremely fast because I didn't want that at all. "Kyle...!? But we won't work. I just... Ian is the closest to someone who understands me more, and he is my true love. But please let me help you, okay?"

I grab ahold of Kyle's paw and drag him into the bathroom, before turning the water to a nice warm temperature and filling the tub. "Its all ready for you, I am gonna go back out there and try to clean up your mess" Kyle just gives me a nod before he closes the door behind me. "I do nothing but hurt the furs I love. I would love to visit my baby brother Felix, but how can I do that with all the pain I cause to the furs... I've stayed away from him for a reason" I say to myself whilst cleaning the kitchen.

My phone starts ringing in my back pocket, so I stop cleaning and take it out to answer Ian's call. "What's up? Is there something wrong?" He doesn't respond for a few seconds until I hear the phone shuffle around for a bit. "Your parents are here and they are very, and I mean very unhappy. All I know is that they have a long note in their paw that may or may not be related to your brother" I drop everything that I have in my paws before rushing into the bathroom as fast I can, ignoring the pain from my injury before giving Kyle a hug, not caring if he was wet and naked. "Kyle I need to go home. Something is wrong with my brother I think" I try my fastest to get to my car and drive back to our home. In the far distance I can barely make out the figures of my father and mother standing on the front porch. The closer I got the, more my heart pounds in my chest.

I stop on the street and see my dad come to the car, so I lower my window down to see what he will say. "Get inside. Your brother left home"

Go read Sol 2305 by Nova-Docomoru
Anyways! I'll be trying to get out the last two chapters to this story and it will finally be finished! Get ready for some juicy stuff!

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