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"I know you're a complete stranger to me Dale and you probably think the same way of me... but what I am trying to say is that I'll stay here for the night" I walk to his side in the elevator that has been waiting for us. "You sure do seem very nervous about this but just trust me, I ain't no weirdo or creep so please try to just relax a bit?" He looks at me smiling as the door of elevator slides back open to reveal a hallway of what seems to look like four only fours doors.

"See we're here! From here we'll just take puppy steps" Dale chuckles to himself as he's taking out his key to unlock his door meanwhile I'm just being shy with my bags walking to his place. "The view is lovely! I can tell you that" I walk more in seeing the windows showing the big city. "Yea if it's one thing I like about this place? It has to be the view, I know you probably know that I have a bunch of questions, I just won't bother you about it until you actually are ready to speak to me about it? Hell, you don't even need to tell me but know that I'm here to talk" Dale nods his head slowly as he walks to his room or from what I can guess.

I roam around the place just being very cautious. 'Dammit, felix! Just trust him! He's just trying to be nice' I tell myself in my head as I take a seat on his couch but from sitting I start to lay down and soon enough my eyes start to close making me fall asleep right there and then. Dale starts to walk back to the living room knowing I am there and stumbles upon me sleeping. "He did look dead tired, let's just hope he doesn't mind me putting him in my bed" Dale picks me up bridal style to then lay me on his soft bed.

"I'll just leave you be Felix" Dale smiles as he slowly closes the door. 'I guess I'll just the take the couch until I'm able to clean out the guest room' Dale thought to himself as he's laying on the couch, looking up at the ceiling then to face the windows slowly falling asleep.

I wake up feeling more comfortable in such a soft bed. "Wait? Why am I in a bed? oh...." I start to put the pieces together of what had happened last night. "Seeing how Dale isn't in the bed with me, he's on the couch. Dang, he didn't have to be like that, It's his bed, he can do what he want but oh well time to get your lazy butt up Felix" I tell myself.

I walk out of the room seeing Dale cooking up breakfast. "Morning..." I tell him since I was planning to leave the apartment before he was even able to wake up. "Morning! How'd ya sleep?" Dale turns around as he holds the sizzling pan to pour out the bacon and sunny side up eggs. "Eat up! Unless you think I drugged it?" Dale starts to chuckle a bit as he turns on the TV to watch some morning news. '"I didn't if you are thinking that I still did" Dale plops himself down on the couch eating a bagel.

I look down at my plate seeing the food shaped into a sort of a smile. 'I should really talk more and stop being such a pain in the ass to deal with'. I move to the couch so I can sit right next to Dale. "So how's the weather looking?" I ask him. "It seems that it might rain a little later even though I barely see a cloud outside" Dale turns his head to face me with a smile.

"Well that's good, sorry if I've been so secretive, I just find it so very hard to trust furs" I give a faint smile back. "Felix, it's alright, you don't have to worry about trusting me or not but I do want you to know is that I'll be there to help you" Dale puts his arm around me bringing me close to him. I moved a bit for I was an uncomfortable from his touch yet I still let him do so for I just felt safe.

"Hey, Dale?" I look up at him once I broke free from his arm. "Yo?" Dale lowers the volume on the TV. "Can we by any chance go to pick up my car?" I look at the card the tow truck fur gave me having the number as well as the address.

"Sure! Let's just go now since we both got nothing better to do" Dale gets up to grab his keys and I just follow right behind him to get to his car. During our drive to the impound, I just kept looking out the window for the skyscrapers and all have just been so pretty to look at.

"Okay! We have arrived" Dale parks his car. We both get out to walk to the office of the impound to talk about what how much I'll owe. "That went just too fast for me" I walk to my car with Dale tagging along.

"Yea it was fast but why would you complain about it?" Dale stops for I'm starting to get in my car. I lower down the window. "I wasn't but whatever. So I follow your car?" I look up at him from the car window.

"Yep! Then we can go out for lunch? Since I'm not in the mood to cook again" Dale sticks his tongue out at me as I slowly chuckle to just nod my head. Dale walks off to his car and we both drive back to his home.

"Soooooooooo where are we going for lunch?" Dale leans on my shoulder as I'm just on my phone walking down the street. "Ahhhh get off me you dragon!" I laugh a bit for he's just looking at what I'm doing on my phone. "I will never ever get off you!" Dale joins my laugh as we found ourselves stumbled in a restaurant.

"Guess everything happens for a reason?" Dale looks around the restaurant as we are seated. "Yea I guess you're right. Everything does happen for a reason" I look down at my menu to then look up at Dale.

Well here's an update. Sorry for having like super long gaps of having you guys waiting just been busy with my cutie but also just life in general. I'll try my best to come out with an update as soon as I can. Hope y'all like what I wrote, take care you Floofs.

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