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I jump right off the couch, knowing exactly what kyle is about to tell me. "Don't say anything! I already know what you are going to say to me" I say while glaring down at the floor for a second, then bringing my eyes back to face him. "I'm sorry. I know it's too late for that bullshit, but I already packed my bags so no need to rush me out of your apartment" Kyle stands in front of me, he hasn't said a single word yet.

"Well you sure seem to have things in order James. I hope that mother fucker can take care of you, 'cause I sure as hell am not gonna take your shit no more!" Kyle angrily opens his front door open for me to leave.

Before I leave his place I put my paw on his chest, hoping he doesn't swat it away and to my surprise he doesn't. "I'll never forget the things you've done for me" I say while walking out, and closing the door as Kyle begins to sob quietly behind me.

I go to my car and without a thought, I go straight to Ian's home. I turn into his driveway and shut the engine off "Let's get this over with... two amazing furs that I have hurt today, both were in my life since as long as I can remember" I get out and knock on his door. He yells that he's coming from the other side of the door, but his voice doesn't sound normal.

Ian opens the door with a smile, but loses it when he sees my face. "You sure do love to fucking lay with furs emotions don't ya?!" He grabs my shirt and pulls me to him, punching me straight in the gut. I crumple down to my knees and try to take in a deep breath, sputtering as I try to compose myself from the punch. "I... deserved that"

"You deserve way worse than that stupid light punch" he says with a snarl down to me, his eyes glaring into mine "but there is no point in being violent, nothing good ever comes from it. I learned from experience, you should remember what happened the last time a fur that cheated on me" I gulp, remembering how badly he messed up the guy and to my surprise he got away with it, the police never caught him.

"Ian please, you won't do that to me, right?" I say while staggering up on my feet "You just said it would do no good yourself"

Ian chuckles and shakes his head. "Of course you idiot! I don't want to leave this place; it was hard enough to evade cops back in LA. You think I want them to be after me here in New York also" Ian goes to his fridge and grabs a beer, popping the tab with one motion before throwing his head back and taking a long drink, then wiping the foam off his top lip "Do whatever you want with your life man. Just don't talk to me no longer, I'll only be here if you ever want a hook up for your fucking cocaine" I shamefully hang my head low while leaving his home, knowing I'll be back soon; I'm about to finish off my last bit of cocaine.

I unlock my car and climb back inside and just break down, tears stream down my cheeks as I rest my head into the top of the steering wheel "It can't get any worse than this" I say sarcastically say through my sobs, before while starting my car. I drive into the city, wanting nothing more than a distraction for myself from the worst night that I've ever had in my entire, fucking, life.

I drive for what felt like an hour, through the busy and cramped city streets until I'm at a club. "Fuck it!" I yell to myself while turning sharply into the nearest parking spot "I need some joy in my life right now". I got out and walked inside. The club was electric, neon lights shining down on the dark dance floor as EDM booms loudly from the overhead speakers. I went out onto the floor and started dancing my tail off, and throwing my fists into the air as a guy comes up and starts grinding against me. I put a paw on his back and our dancing bodies press up against each other. I lavishly began drowning my sorrows in booze once we finished, drinking until I couldn't remember a thing.

I wake up the next morning in a bathtub full of cold water and ice; everything is completely numb. "Wha? Where am I?" I ask while trying to shakely get out, but someone's paw gently pushes me back down.

"Don't try getting up buddy. You just got a kidney removed along with a few other bits and pieces that you might not need" The fur puts his head next to mine, but his grey hoodie covers his face.

"Wh-why...?" I notice water falling down my numb face until I realize I'm starting to cry. An uncontrollable shiver racks through my body, makes my teeth chatter as I try to sit up again, but he pushes my head down more forcefully this time.

"There's no why I did it; it's just business, and you were the perfect target. Now that means you'll have to be careful with what you eat" he says with a small chuckle "or else you could hurt yourself" The fur turns into the dim light from the bulb overhead, giving me a manic smile. "You'll be able to leave the tub in an hour, just so you don't hurt yourself anymore, aight"

He stands and grabs a red cooler with his left paw before opening the door, and walking through. I can't process what has just happened to me, what the fuck. "This has to be some sort of bad dream!" I yell out at the top of my lungs over my chattering teeth "this can't be real" I lean back in the dirty tub, trusting what the fur said. I've never contemplated killing myself before, but what do I have to live for right now? "I mean, both of my boyfriends despise me, I got robbed of an organ and who knows what else; furthermore, I don't know what else could be waiting for me out there" I tell myself out loud, but also to the audience because I always had this theory that there was someone controlling my life or furs in general.

After an hour I weakly pulled myself out of the tub with my shaky arm, and started drying myself to the best of my ability with the grimey towel he left me. I try not to go into shock while I get dressed; but before I slip on my shirt I move a paw to my back to rub at the sore spot where haphazard, and bloody stitches run six inches up. "I'll live just to see what life might still has in store for me" I mumble out, seeing that I wasn't far away from the club.

I walk back to my car and get in Before driving myself to the beach. "Life sure can be a bitch" mumble while gently laying on the damp sand and looking up at the grayish clouds. Blood has started to seep down my side, coating my shirt and the sand below me in light crimson. I reach down and groan when my paw brushes up against the stitches "I wonder how my baby brother is doing in life? My Felix, I doubt he knows he has a brother"

Never Let Go (A Gay Furry story)Where stories live. Discover now