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We enter the hotel as I take lead by getting us checked into our room then taking the elevator. "You know what would be cool?" Dale turns his head to look at me with a questioning look on his face. "What?" right when I was about to speak we reach our floor. "I was thinking that maybe we should just tour around for a bit? I know my mom is bound to be out there somewhere but why not just take a break from the stress we both might get" I open the door to our room setting our stuff down. "Okay Dale, I am just following your lead my love" I go over to look out the window seeing the view we were able to get.

"I was kind of thinking we might have gotten like a sucky as hell view of just some lame buildings in the way but we got lucky didn't we?" I pull the curtains all the way back letting in the moonlight shine inside the room as well. I strip my clothing standing in front of Dale he goes to hold my hips, I give the big goofy dragon a kiss on the nose. "C' mon hun take off your clothes so we can sleep for the night my big ol' draggo" I move his arms slowly away hopping into the bed.

Dale soon enough joins me in bed bringing me close with him as I am able to feel his warmth coming straight from his chest. "You're just so warm that I don't even need the blankets to cover me cause your wings will do the trick" I feel his wings wrap me up so I let my eyes close slowly knowing I will forever be safe in his arms.

I storm into the house to see Dale having just kissed another fur, the gut-wrenching feeling of wanting to throw up was all I was able to feel as I watched Dale trying to hide the fur from me. "It's not what it looks! Okay... Well, it is what it looks like hun but" I cut Dale right there "Don't you dare call me 'hun'! That nickname does no longer pertains to me!" I walk up to Dale giving his chest a light punch knowing it would do nothing to him. Before I leave the place I give him a kiss on the forehead. "When you're ready to tell me why you did this..." I clear the tears away from my eyes while leaving the door.

At that moment I wake up pissed at Dale giving him a few light hits on the shoulder. "You idiot! Why did you cheat on me!" A few tears hit Dale's chest, he soon then, springs awake startled but notices that I had a nightmare of sorts. I come to my senses realizing that what just happened to me was but a mere dream despite it having felt so real. "I'm sorry hun. I just had a horrific dream of me walking in on you kissing some other fur and I'm sure if I didn't barge in soon enough you both would have started to have sex.

Dale doesn't say anything but just bring me into a hug, I give Dale a hug back that's when I start to feel bits of water drop onto my fur. I don't have to look up to know that Dale is crying and to know that Dale is crying means it must be very serious because he never breaks. "Hun? What's wrong?" I finally look up at him as he smiles a bit. "You dork! I would never ever cheat on you! You are my one and only, I know it may sound hella cheesy but its the damn fucking truth. You have stolen my heart and it will not lie anywhere else but with you", I close my eyes putting my head onto Dale's chest trying to listen to his heart as it beats.

"You're my one as well Dale and I forever shall tell myself that you will not do such thing, I'm just dumb cause sometimes I overthink so many things and like I convince myself at times it true and like if I were to ask you the things I think I feel like you would think I can't trust you. When in reality you're one of the very few furs who I can trust. I'm just hella dumb" Dale gives my head a light rub. "You are nothing but dumb Felix. This shows to me that you have been hurt before of course but also that you love me dearly because you want to know that I am not doing things with other men. I will tell you anything you want to know so don't feel nervous to ask even if you feel like you can be a nuisance. You aren't" Our talk brings a smile to my face. I go in for one of the many passionate kisses we both share.

"Okay hun now that I have that out of my system, lets shower, change, and get some breakfast. You're also gonna get a nice treat tonight my cutie" I give Dale's slit a tease right before I enter the bathroom turning the water into a nice warm temperature. I wash my fur thoroughly then feeling Dales' hands run alongside my back. "Mmm~ That feels pretty good but c' mon no naughty stuff until later tonight! I got us some tickets to visit Big Ben"

Dale just smiles washing until we both finish I end having my fur a fluffy mess having forgotten my favorite brush, which usually helps to bring my fur back down. "Don't you dare say a damn word about my fur..." I try to give Dale a look of I will kill him if he says anything but it doesn't work for he grabs my cheeks. "You're sooooooo cute when you try to threaten me" I just shake my head grabbing my bag heading out the door as he follows.

"Time for another adventurous day! Ha just kidding! Dale, why do so many furs who read like those online story thiniges think that life is like super crazy sometimes? 'Cause life really be boring sometimes, although our life sure does take some hella weird turns?" Dale just gives me a really confused and worried look. 'Uhm I think you need to stop reading all those BoyxBoy stories. I swear all that fiction crap of people finding love with such a hottie stud muffin is getting to your head" I just give Dale a stare. "We are living that life! I have a hottie stud muffin!"

"That's just some coincidence!" I and Dale continue to bicker for a bit longer.

Wow! I wrote some more stuff for once! School is coming to an end for me so maybe for once I'll finish this book

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