Extra Bonus PT. 2

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I see the lighting in the far distance then hear the rumble a few seconds later, I feel the raindrops hit my fur but I sit there calmly, not caring if I get drenched even as the other furs scurry around to find some sort of shelter. "James is my name and I have a story to tell, but not a single soul will ever want to hear it" I reach down into my pocket and feel my wallet, taking it out and removing the picture of me holding baby Felix swaddled in my arms. "May we meet again one day..."

I clear my eyes which have started to water up, and head back to my car which is just up the road and grab my baggie of cocaine, wanting just a small snort to hold me over; but the bag is empty. FUCK! I slam my paw against the steering wheel, making the horn honk for a few seconds before I pull it back and hold the aching knuckles. "I have to go back to Ian's place" I grumble those few words, knowing he won't be thrilled that I am visiting him again soon, but I have no other choice. I begrudgingly start the car and begin driving.

I look out the window towards his place, watching as the tall unmowed grass in his lawn blows in the breeze before moving my gaze up at his windows; he might be watching one of the games that are on today. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. I can hear his steps as I start to shiver from the cold, but also how damn nervous I am to see him. "Hi Ian... I came here to get a new fix" I say ashamed, he doesn't say a word, just motioning me inside. I head in, holding my side as I feel blood starts to seep through my shirt from the stiches; it's extremely sore and makes it hard to even walk, not to mention breath.

"Just sit down in your favorite chair..." I hear Ian sigh a bit, knowing that I really did hurt both him and Kyle. He leaves the room as I grab a few of the newspapers lying on the table, and use them to cover the chair so I don't stain it. Ian comes back into the room with a bag full of my favorite white powdery substance. "There it is, and I am sure you have the cash with you 'cause you sure aren't gonna get anymore for free like you did back then"

I pull out the rubber banded wad of cash and throw it to him. Ian catches it in one paw then gives me a light smile when he notices the blood stain on my shirt, and red smear on the newspapers I'm sitting on. "You hurt? What did you do, get into a knife fight and lose?"

Ian chuckles a bit until I tell him what actually happened. "Actually I was robbed of a kidney last night" I give him a manic and tired smile back, wondering if he will even show the lightest of sympathy for me. I look into his eyes and see the pain, knowing that he wants to help me deep down but is trying to stop himself. I turn to face the television, watching a bit of the baseball game until I get up.

"Sorry for bothering your game Ian" I walk myself to the front door and open it, feeling the freezing cold wind blow past me as the drizzle of rain begins to fall, splashing my hind paws with small droplets of cold water.

Ian grabs my paw, making me turn around. "Stay here for the night... As much as I despise the things you did to me and Kyle, I can't stand to see you like this nor have you on the streets dead" I lower my ears, letting out a slight whine because I knew he still cared somewhere in his heart.

"I am gonna call one of the surgeons I know, okay? I just want them to make sure you're safe and fine, that nothing's wrong or that you have been slowly bleeding internally" I nod my head, feeling a bit happier and a lot safer.

An hour or so has passed by now, and the surgeon Ian called, Jeremey, does some small quick tests with the whole set up he brought with him, so I just go along with everything and smile while Ian watches carefully. The few times Ian and I do make eye contact, he tries his hardest not to let a tear shed, having to duck his head away. Jeremey draws my blood before looking at the sloppy stitches, making me groan when he begins to cut through hem with his scissors.

I couldn't handle the constant stare that I keep getting from Ian, so I end up breaking the silence. "There seems to be a lot of things you want to tell me, so why don't you? I know Jeremey here could care less about our love life... or the love life I had with you that is" Blood spills onto Jeremey's gloves as he cuts through the last stitch, making me groan again when he wipes the area down with an alcohol wipe before beginning to sew me up.

"There are many things I would like to say to you James, but I know I won't like most of the answer you are going to tell me, so I am just gonna tell you this flat out question. Why did you have to cheat? What did you gain?" I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath as Jeremey slowly moves up the wound with his needle.

"The reason I chose to cheat on you with Kyle was because I felt lonely... It's not that I don't love you, because I do, a lot, and I'll always love you Ian, just like how I love Kyle? I just... don't know how to explain the feelings I felt during that time. I know it was wrong, and I know that no matter what I say none of this could be resolved; but I just wanted a best friend, and it turned out Kyle had a crush on me" Jeremey motions for me to stand up so he can inspect the stitches when I move parts of my body.

"And I love Kyle as my best friend, but I also knew that deep down in my soul that I love him as well in that manner... Like how can one fur love two furs at the same time so much? 'Cause that is what I was feeling the entire time" I find the courage to stare into Ian's eyes as his tears are slowly sliding down both his cheeks.

"You can't tell me you haven't had a good friend in your life where you loved him dearly to the point where you can't stand them trying to find a significant other of their own, because your heart yearns to be with them, even if at times that friend didn't look at you in that manner ever" Jeremey finishes up soon, giving me instructions on how to wrap the stitches and when to change before leaving the two of us, I thank him before he leaves.

Ian clears his eyes with his shirt. "I don't have anything to say yet, but I am going to get some sleep, shower up and join me in the bed we once shared or leave the house. Your choice James"

I nod and stand, walking over to him to try and put my paw out to him, but he turns away and walks to his room. I sigh and go to the bathroom, turning the shower on to hot before slowly and carefully taking my clothes off; my blood has stained both of them greatly, so I discard them over into the corner. I step into the hot shower and feel the water splash against my back and neck. I grab the bar of soap and start to scrub at my oily arm fur, making the soap sud up in my fur before I move onto my other arm and down my sides, stopping when I get to the fresh stitches. The fur around them is still matted down and dark with blood, and is still sore as I begin to gently clean around it, softening the stiff fur until it lays normally against my side and all the blood is gone. I step out of the shower and grab a towel that is neatly folded on the shelf, and begin slowly drying myself off before going out into the hall. Laying on a table in the hall is a fresh pair of clothes Ian must have left for me; the shirt and pants are a little big, but it's better than wearing my old and blood soaked clothes.

I change into them before slowly walk down the hall to Ian's open door, and step in "Hey" I say, nervously swallowing "thanks for the clothes"

He looks up at me from his phone with a small smile across his muzzle "Yeah, don't mention it"

He sets his phone down lays in the bed and looks up at me as I slowly come over and get in next to him. Ian reaches out wraps his arms around my chest, making me shutter from his touch. "I...I'm sorry" I say through the tears which have started to fall down my cheeks "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know" He says while slowly sliding a warm paw down my stomach, but stops at my hips.

"Can you forgive me?" I say while reaching down and cupping his paw in mine "can we go back to how it was?"

"No" That simple word made the dam burst, and I started uncontrollably sobbing "But maybe further on down the line, we can put this behind us then we can restart again" He says while slipping a paw below my waistband to begin caressing my sheath.

I shutter a breath "Thank you" I say while closing my eyes as he begins to grope me.

Let me know if you guys want me to make this canon? Or if you guys are interested in knowing the whole story of James, Ian, and Kyle along with some other furs. I will try to finish this story before the end of the year.

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