I've started to think about worry and doubt,
The things that control us,
Like water and its spout.
No matter what it's about,
Worry and doubt,
Do nothing but make us want to shout,
Up to the heavens,
And out to the hills.
Drunk off the problems of life's endless thrills.
Making us take pills and Advill,
Because in the end thrill,
Is nothing but a headache's creator,
Because what if consequences leave you none the greater?
I've found worry is free,
It has no cost,
Only a receipt.
Why I bought it?
I don't know.
It just seems the smart thing to do,
To think life through.
But honestly it does,
Nothing but spread,
And dread.
So I've decided not to worry,
I've decided not to doubt,
I've decided not to fear,
I've decided to fly and spread my wings out.