We live in a world where people have to fight,
They have to fight for the rights,
That shouldn't have to be fought for.
We live in a world,
Where people die for the rights,
That we all should live with,
Not have to die for.
We live in a world,
Where people have to live with hate,
When we all deserve love.
We live in a world,
Where people are suffering,
So that suffering will be no more.
We live in a world,
Where people know no more,
But the prejudices and injustice of humanity's lack of conscious,
And an ongoing idealistic war,
That in the end no one,
Can escape.
We live in a world,
Where both right and wrong are controversial,
Because we can't tell,
If a loaded gun is protection,
Or overall oppression.
We live in a world,
Where we breathe the breath of people set,
To make the world the best,
But nobody seems to know what the final draft needs to look like.
We live in a world,
Where we the people isn't always a we,
It's a me, me, me, me!
We live in a world,
That neither gets what it wants or what it needs.
We live in a world,
That is broken up by borders, and gender,and colors, and class.
We live in a world,
Where people either make it better,
Or worse.
So in the end I can only pray,
Love prevails,
And hate will run its course.