What A Person's Worth

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Peoples' problem is they don't know what they're worth,
They think the gold in their bank account defines them,
But it really leaves them so much worse.
I'm talking about how some people think they're a penny,
But they're so much more.
Their heart could be mined for more gold,
Than Alaska ever could.
Then there's those who think they'd be billionaires,
If their soul was counted as currency
But that bill would be worth none.
They'd just have a big ego broken and undone.
Because they'd be in debt,
With nothing left
Except a heart even smaller than it was.
So you see people don't know their worth.
Some people are worth more than can be found on this Earth.
So if someone asks what's in your bank account,
Say my heart is worth,
More than you can count.
So it doesn't matter if I own the world,
Or if I can barely afford a house.

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