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~chapter three~

(Ash's pov)

I sighed in boredom as I stared at the white board at the front of the class room. Math was so stupid. Happily, it was my last class of the day. After this, I could meet up with Royce, and we would walk the seven miles home together that took like two hours. We did it because I hated busses and all the noisy kids in it, and Royce called in a good work out and a time to relax. I swear he is a werewolf in hiding sometimes.

The bell rang and after the teacher announced our finials would be on Friday, all us kids ran out of the room. I walked down the halls, ignoring the weird looks that I was given and the commits that I could hear clearly; although the others thought I didn't. I walked to the front doors and cough sight of Royce standing next to the doors, his tall lean frame ridged with rage. I looked in the direction that his baby blue eyes glared in and I frowned. There was Marisa, her lips smacking against another guys.

"Come on, bro." I said, grabbing his arm and leading him out the doors, sending my own glares at Royce's now ex girlfriend. "She's not worth it. Just forget her."

As soon as we were out side, Royce relaxed a bit and sighed. "It hasn't even been a week yet and she's already has a new boy twisted around her pinky."

"Bro, that girl is a tramp." I piped up. "I mean, come on! Who in god's name would dump you in less then a month of dating? A darn lunatic, that's who!"

This made Royce laugh and I was then smiling like an idiot, happy to help my brother. We walked through town, stopping at McDonald's to get something off the dollar menu, and then headed toward the country side. The day again was nice although gray clouds were starting to role in, saying we'd be drizzled on if we didn't hurry. Like always, Royce and I raced some of the length and by the time we were half way home we were panting heavily and stumbling a bit. We sat down to rest on some railings by the side of the road and took swings from our water bottles. Once we had cough our breaths, we continued, talking about this and that.

When we finally got home around five, mom was rushing around the house like a maniac. "Boys, have you seen my home work folder for third hour anywhere? I swear I just had it..."

"Whoa, mom, I've never heard you swear before." I said with a light chuckle as I dropped my backpack next to the stairs.

"I'm series, Ash, I need to find that folder."

"Have you checked dad's office yet?" Royce suggested and our mother froze.

"No, I haven't." She then rushed to dad's office, and a few moments latter yelled, "I found it!"

Both Royce and I laughed. Then Royce yawned and said, "I could go for a nap."

I shrugged. "I think I'll take a run with the wolfs. See you in a hour or so!" I waved at him as I made my way to the back door. After making sure my mom wasn't looking out a window or something, I quickly undressed, folded my cloths to neatly place them in the chair on the porch, and shifted. Now in wolf form, I shook my head and sniffed the air. I found the wolf packs sent and ran off to meet up with them. Once I found them, RJ, the alpha, looked at me and I laid down on my back to show him my belly. He snapped at me and I yelped a bit but didn't move. He approved and let me stand again.

Although I'm sure they didn't have names as they're just wolfs, I gave them names. RJ was the alpha, Sara the Luna, Pete the beta (or second in command), Matt and Mary were more like just hunters, the two pups Kathy and Kate, and then there's the little omaga named Rafer. It was a small pack, but it was like a second family to me and I loved them all.

Now with RJ's permission to be in the group, I walked over to Rafer and plopped down next to him. His thin small frame leaned into me for comfort and warmth. I felt bad for him. His being so small and weak made him the shame of the pack; an omaga. He always looked to me for support, ever since he was a pup. He was only about two years old with pale brown fur and deep brown eyes. When he was born and Sara, his mother, pushed him aside, I gathered him gently by picking him up by the scruff of his neck with my teeth and carried him home. Mom and dad agreed to help raise him but once he became fully grown I had to take him back. It took me a while to convince RJ to let him come back in, but finally the alpha let him.

I nuzzled Rafer's head with my nose and he responded by pushing his head up under my chin, happy to have me here. I pushed myself father into his thin frame and watched as the two puppies played, nipping at each others ears and tails, and chasing each other around. Kate, the gray puppy, ran over to me yelping, then hiding between my paws as Kathy, the brown puppy, tried to get at her again. After a minute, I snapped at her and she ran off yelping with her tail between her legs.

After a while, RJ suddenly perked up, his nose stuck up in the air. I stuck my nose in the air too and sniffed. What I smelt both excited me and made me a little afraid. Other wolfs. I stood as RJ backed for everyone's attention. He then took off and all the others ran after. I stayed behind to run with Rafer and the puppies. As we ran, I found that the smell was getting stronger. I closed in on the others as they slowed down and jumped through some bushes, coming face to face with the other wolfs. I sayed behind with the pups and Rafer though. I did, however, peek threw the bushes to look over our new found enemies. I found my self looking over a group of nine wolfs against the five of my group snarling at them. One wolf in particular caught my attention, and my inner wolf suddenly started screaming 'mate!'

(Ulric's pov)

We had arrived at the new territory a lot sooner then I thought we would. As every one began to settle into their new homes, I called out seven of the pack's best hunters and the future beta, my best friend Jarric, to come and start marking and checking everything out. We were on the farther northern edge of our new territory when I smelt them. They were just regular wolfs so I didn't bother to pay attention, even when five of them jumped at us from behind the bushes to my right. A large deep brown one snarled at me and I snarled back.

Suddenly, out of no where, a white wolf about the same size as me, if a little smaller, jumped out from behind the bushes and came to snarl at me too. 'Mate! Mate! Mate!' My wolf screamed at me and all I could do was stare dumb founded at the beautiful white wolf now standing in front of me. He smelled like humans as well as these wolfs, but under that, I could smell the werewolf.

He was beautiful with glowing golden eyes and flowing white fur, not a speck of color on him. His pearly white teeth were bared proudly at me, defending these wolfs. Could he small that I'm a werewolf? Did he know I was his mate? Wait... He??!

My mate was a...boy?

I was so stunned that I didn't even notice when the white wolf started pushing the other regular wolfs to the bushes they had jumped out of. Then, he barked harshly at them and they scattered, even the alpha of the pack. He then jumped over the bush himself and ran. 'Catch him!' My wolf yelled at me and I sprang into action with out thinking, going after the white wolf. My mate.

Confused, the hunters of my group stayed behind but Jarric sprang into action like I did. I chased after my mate. Damn he was fast! He ran more like a f***ing cheetah then a wolf, jumping easily over things and zigzagging through the trees. I was soon panting with effort but I wouldn't give up. No. Not now. Not that I've found him.

I soon noticed that he was leading us in the opposite direction the regular wolfs had gone. I didn't really care. I just did everything in my power to keep my mate's white flowing tail in my sight. Soon I saw him burst out of the forest, and into a human yard that was about two acres wide. He sprinted across it to the glass sliding back doors of a two story baby blue house and jumped up onto the porch, clawing frantically at the glass. I burst into the yard with Jarric on my heels, and was about an acre away from my mate when the glass door slid open to revile a human women with flowing honey colored hair and bright blue eyes.

I skidded to a stop, Jarric crashing into me in the process, and stared in confusion as the human women bent down and patted my mates head and ushered him inside the house. She glance up briefly at me and Jarric, scowled, then shouted, "Ash! What did I tell you about bringing your wolf friends home?!" She then slammed the glass door, making it rattle a bit. I sat there for a moment, stunned. Then, I felt Jarric nipping at my front feet, trying to get me back into the forest. I hesitated with one last glance at the house, then ran back into the forest.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now