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-Chapter fifteen-


(Ash’s pov)

Ulric walked me back through the village and we entered the forest once again, only this time we went way farther into the forest then what I though. We walked for a good twenty minutes or so before a small cabin came into view. It looked almost like those log houses a kid would build using those log toys; the walls built out of logs and the roof looked like sheets of green painted metal. A log porch that covered the whole front of the house led to a door painted green. On the porch sat a wooden rocking chair and sitting in that rocking chair was a women who looked older then time it’s self.

I half hid behind Ulric as we climbed the three steps onto the porch, and then approached the elderly women. I peeked around Ulric at the women as he stopped in front of her. White hair curled around her ears and shoulders in an unkempt way, while pale green eyes glanced up at Ulric, and a rotten toothy smile spread across the women’s face. She had on a stained thick brown dress despite the heat, and a green shawl draped around her shoulders. The old women’s eyes then flickered to me and I jumped slightly, ducking behind Ulric once again. I wasn’t sure why I was all the sudden scared like this; maybe it was an after effect of my dream, or maybe it was just because this woman looked a bit scary.

“So,” the women looked up at Ulric. “What brings here young alpha?”

“Elder, my mate has had a dream that I think you should here about.” He told her and he stepped to the side, giving the elder full view of me.  She looked over me and I tucked my tail between my legs as my ears went flat. The elder then beckoned me closer to her and I swallowed, taking a step toward her so that I stood right in front of her. She reached for my hand and I let her grab it. I watched as she looked over my palm and a smile slowly lit up her face. She then patted my hand.

“My dear, take a seat, let me tell you about your dream.” My mouth fell open. How can she tell me about something that she doesn’t even know about? Never the less, I took a seat next to her rocking chair, and even Ulric sat down on the other side. The old women patted my head and began to stroke my hair. I shivered slightly, not sure that the soft stroking felt good, if I was a bit creeped out, or if it was the mixture of both. The elder then began to speak, “I’ve lived for many years, and I knew that one day I would meet the young white wolf as I have met the black wolf. You are a beauty, in body, mind, and soul. There is no other like you. Not many are born with the white wolf, and those who are, are blessed by the moon goddess, while the black wolf is blessed by the moon god. The white wolf is the mother of wolfs, and so she nurtures and loves, while the black wolf is the father, who protects and watches over. Both need to work together to keep the pack together and each have abilities to do so. Without the mother and father, the children stray and fall away. This is the legend of the wolfs’ first coming.”

I frowned, staring down at the porch in confusion. “What does any of that have to do with my dream?”

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now