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~chapter nine~

(Unknown character's pov)

I peered at the dark house in front of me. I could smell him, that white werewolf, Ash. A smile spread across my face, flashing my fangs in the moon light as I took a step forward. Then my cell phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and cheek the caller ID, answering it as soon as I saw who it was.

"Yes, master?" I mumbled into the phone.

"Where the f*** are you!" He screamed.

"I-I am in the forest behind your beloved's house, master." I whimpered.

"You are now? Just now? After a whole damn mouth your just now behind my beloved's house?! What the hell have you been doing, slave? Do you want me to rip your f***ing fangs out?!"

"No, master." My voice shook as I said this.

"The get on it! Take him and bring him to me now! Since your first plan didn't work, I'll give you one more chance, but after that, I'll come and kill you myself and take my beloved!"

There was a beeping noise and static, signaling he had hung up. I breathed out a sigh of relieve. He was giving me one more chance and I would use it. With another smile spreading across my face, I took a step toward my master's beloved's house. Just then, there was a deep, throaty growl behind me, and I turned just as a gray wolf pounced on me.

(Jarric's pov)

I could smell the vampire from a mile away. As I closed in on it, I noticed that she, for it was a girl, was behind a tree just a yard or so into the forest from the back yard of the baby blue house. She was talking on a phone, in a hushed tone, but the person on the other line was yelling. I watched as she pocketed the phone and smiled, starting to walk toward the house. I growled deep in my throat and pounced on her as she turned. We rolled on the ground, the vampire snapping her teeth at me as she clawed at my fur and kicked my belly. I snapped at her neck and swiped my paws over her face, leaving deep gashed done by my claws. They healed quickly and that only made me madder. My pack had just moved into the territory and vampires were already invading. Not only that, but I could smell the sent of Ulric in that baby blue house.

Suddenly, there was a loud bark of furry and the black shadow of a wolf appeared, grabbing onto the vampires leg. He turned his head sharply and a loud crack filled the air as her leg broke. The vampire howled with pain and I was punched in the jaw, my head flinging sharply to the side. I toppled off her, whimpering as my jaw throbbed with excruciating pain. If it wasn't broken, then it was defiantly fractured to a great existent. The black wolf, Ulric, let go of the vampire to look at me and the vampire took this chance to kick him hard with her good leg, hitting him too in the jaw. He yelped with pain as he went flying backwards into a tree.

There was the pounding of paws and snarls as another wolf was coming across the back yard of the baby blue house. This one was large and rust colored. I didn't recognize the wolf, but I was glad he was coming to help. The vampire though, had taken her chance to get away, and climbed up a tree; surprisingly quick for having a broken leg. Then the branches started to shack ever so slightly as she jumped from tree to tree. She was heading out of our territory, and once she was out, I wasn't allowed to chase her.

(Ash's pov)

I had woken back up around one thirty in the morning, my mouth begging me for a drink of water. So I made my lazy way down stairs to the kitchen and filled a small glass to the brim with cool water. As I sipped at it, I looked out the kitchen window at the dark forest behind my house. My mind started to drift off and I began to wonder about Ulric. He was sleeping in the den I do believe since Boris had taken the couch in the living room. I mainly began to wonder about his life. He was in a pack right? If so, what pack and how many wolfs were in his pack and what was his ranking and so on. As questions buzzed through my head, I began to hear sounds like snarling, harsh barks, and screaming. Looking out the kitchen window again, I saw what looked like a figure of a wolf and a human fighting.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now