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-Chapter 16-

(Royce’s pov)

It was around noon when I heard the first knock on the door. I walked over to it, fixing my belt which had come lose somehow, then opened the door to be greeted by a tall man who looked to be eighteen or nineteen. Behind him smiled a young woman who looked to be about maybe sixteen. I smiled at him and said, “Hi. You must be one of Ulric’s friends. You here for Ash’s birthday, right?”

The man’s smile widens and he stuck his hand out to shake. I shook it as he said, “Yep, my name’s Vincent, and this is my mate, Shelly.”

Shelly moved from behind Vincent and waved shyly at me as she whispered a soft hello. I gave her a kind smile and welcomed the two inside. Vincent looked around with interest, pausing to look at pitchers hanging on the walls, while Shelly fallowed, seeming too shy to do anything else. I led them into the living room, which was decorated in golden and white streamers, balloons, and confetti. The furniture had been moved around so that we could fit the furniture that we moved from the den into here, so everyone coming could have a place to sit. Dad and I had set up a table to put snacks and drinks on, and we also had a small table for presents to go on.

“So how old will Ash be?” Vincent suddenly asked and I smiled at him.

“Sixteen. Oh, and I’m Royce by the way, Ash’s brother. Um, it’s just me here for the moment. My mom and Boris went to pick up the cake, and my dad is picking up my grandmother. The party starts at one, so you’re a little early, but that’s fine.” I smiled at him and Vincent nodded. Shelly walked up to me shyly, and handed me a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper, topped with a red bow. I took it, and asked, “What did you get him?”

Shelly rubbed her small hands together, and then wiped them on her purple summer dress. “We weren’t sure what to get, but I picked out a charm bracelet. I know he’s a boy, so I’m not sure if he’ll like it, but it’s ok if he doesn’t. We could…take it back, and get something else.”

I smiled at her. “You’re fine, I’m sure Ash will love it.” Shelly smiled with a small blush and I looked over her. She was on the shorter side, maybe 5’3” and had light brown hair with soft baby blue eyes. She wore a simple pare of white sandals with her summer dress, and I noticed she had a silver necklace on with a charm shaped like a fairy. I looked over at Vincent to see him glaring steadily at me with hard brown eyes. I backed off from Shelly and put the small present onto the present table. Glancing back at Vincent, I saw he had moved to stand by Shelly, and still looked at me warily. He had short deep brown hair and wore a simple white t-shirt with a red jacket and black jeans.

“I can’t help but feel we’ve just become enemies.” I whispered as I started for the door again when I heard another knock. I opened it and saw a stocky man with flowing blond hair and crystal blue eyes smiling at me as he held up a blue gift bag with white party paper sticking out of the top, and covering the gift within.

“Hey,hey!” he greeted and I smiled at him.

“Hey, come in.” I said and the man gladly walked in, kicking his boots off next to the door. “So, I’m Ash’s brother, Royce.”

“Name’s Dexter.” Dexter smiled at me.

“And I’m Devon!” Shouted a boy as he jumped out from behind Dexter. I jumped and stared at the boy. Devon looked to be the same height and age as Ash, with curly blond hair, and bright green eyes. He wore a bright green shirt on with a rainbow in front, with black skinny jeans and black boots. He stuck his tongue out at me and I chuckled.

“Don’t scare me like that.” I looked back at Dexter and shook my head with a smile. “Little brother?”

“Nope.” Dexter said as he strolled down the hall and turned into the living room, swinging the gift bag as he went. I raised an eye brow at him and turned back to Devon.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now